My progress reviews
5. How to organise a Progress Review
We strongly suggest that you start planning for your Progress Review in the Research Quarter before it is due. Follow the guide below to help you with your preparation.
Please also be aware that the my.UQ HDR Progress Review Request is a 2-phase process:
- Phase 1 - should be completed before the RQ census date
- Phase 2 - is actioned after your advisor and DHDR have endorsed your panel in the request.
Guides for completing the HDR Progress Review request are available on UQ’s Systems Training Hub.
Prepare for your Progress review
- Check requirements by reading through the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression policy, Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression procedure, the Progress Review website and your school/institute guidelines to understand the specific requirements for your area. To gain a clearer picture of how everyone involved in the Progress Review process collaborates please refer to the roles description list.
- Complete the Research Integrity Module, and the Respect at UQ: Higher Degree Research Context training module, and register for an ORCID before organising your first Progress Review at UQ (otherwise you cannot access the my.UQ request).
- Identify your Progress Review Panel by meeting with your advisor and identifying a suitable panel and plan for your Progress Review. Ideally, your advisor should make an initial contact and introduce you to your Panel members.
- Organise the timing of the review by checking the availability of the Progress Review Panel members, including the Chair, to attend the Progress Review. Remember to check your School/Institute guidelines for how long you should typically allow for this meeting. You can use doodle poll to help you find a date and time that suits you and the panel. Send a calendar invite one you have confirmed the date and time.
- Create a project record in the UQ Research Data Manager (UQRDM). You will use the UQRDM to manage and share your documents. Please refer to the library guide for detailed instructions. If a Confidentiality Agreement is required, please prepare the Confidentiality Agreement and ensure all panel members sign it before sending any project documents to the panel. If you are unsure if a Confidentiality Agreement is required your Principal Advisor or the Research Partnerships Manager should be able to advise.
- Book a room if required, or set up a set up a Zoom link with your Chair as an alternate host.
The my.UQ HDR Progress Review Request is a 2-phase process, with phase 1 completed before the RQ census date. Guides for completing the HDR Progress Review request are available on UQ’s systems training hub.
Note that unless your school/institute has fixed dates for review meetings, you can complete your review earlier if your advisory team feels that you're ready. If your school does have fixed dates, your DHDR and Advisor will communicate this to you at commencement.
If you experience issues scheduling your Progress Review meeting, seek the support and advice of your Principal Advisor and Chair.
Phase 1: Initiate the my.UQ HDR Progress Review request
Using your student details, login to my.UQ to initiate the request, enter the panel and meeting details and complete your Candidate Statement by the census date.
Initiate your HDR Progress Review request
You will be required to provide:
- Names of panel members
- Details of meeting (date and time), but this can be adjusted later if the details change
- Your online Candidate Statement
You can optionally add the link to your documents at this point. However, if you are not yet ready you will have another opportunity in Phase 2, after your Principal Advisor and Director of HDR have endorsed your panel via the online request.
Track the progress of your request
Your Principal Advisor and Director of HDR will need to endorse your panel before you can continue to phase 2 and finalise your Progress Review request and send your documents to the panel. Your Progress Review request will be locked for editing until they have endorsed your panel.
Phase 2: Finalise your my.UQ request and send your documents for review
Once your Principal Advisor and Director of HDR have approved your panel request you will need to log-in to the myUQ HDR Progress Review request again. You can find it in your myUQ under 'my requests'.
Add the link to your documents and change the status of the request to Complete and send for review. This will:
- send the document link to your panel and finalise the meeting details
- give your Chair access to their Chair's Report online form.
You should ideally provide the link and password to your documents by the census date of the research quarter in which your Progress Review is due, and at least 2 weeks before your Progress Review Meeting. You should use the Research Data Manager (RDM) to manage and share your documents. Please refer to the library guide for detailed instructions.
Attend your Progress Review meeting
Bring your documents, arrive early to set up and make sure you are familiar with your School/Institute guidelines for specifics on how the meeting will run.
Receive your outcome
At the conclusion of the meeting, the Chair completes the Chair’s report, to reflect the Panel’s findings. When the Chair changes the status to submit, an email goes to you and the panel, your Principal Advisor, and the DHDR to alert you to go back to my.UQ to access the report.
Please follow up with your Chair if it has been more than five working days since your review and you have not received the Chair’s report. Speak with your DHDR if there are further delays.