Before reading the guidelines outlined on this page, ensure you have reviewed all the information about Progress Reviews, including the criteria for each review, and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression Procedure.

How to organise a Progress Review

The following guidelines outline the management and conduct of HDR Progress Reviews in the School of Psychology. These guidelines should be used in combination with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Procedure. Further instructions to help you to arrange your upcoming review are available here.

Progress Reviews Snapshot

Progress review requirements


Confirmation of Candidature (R1)

Review 2 (R2)

Review 3 (R3)

Candidature Documents

Project Documents 

  • Literature review and research outline, ethics approvals
  • iThenticate report
  • Summary of completed work/ draft chapter/paper, plan for completion,
  • iThenticate report
  • Thesis preliminary pages with expanded outline of thesis, thesis draft (at least 2 completed chapters)
  • iThenticate report

Oral Presentation

25 minutes presentation, 10-15 minutes question time 

Oral presentation (e.g. oral or poster at conference; seminar; oral presentation at HDR day).

  • to be completed after confirmation and before R2. If it is not possible to present at a conference, seminar, or HDR Day, the student and PA should organise an open School-based presentation (20-minute presentation plus 10-minute questions) prior to the R2 Progress Review meeting.

oral presentation (e.g. oral or poster at conference; seminar; oral presentation at HDR day).

  • to be completed after R2 and before R3. If it is not possible to present at a conference, seminar, or HDR Day, the student and PA should organise an open School-based presentation (20-minute presentation plus 10-minute questions) prior to the R3 Progress Review meeting.


Approximately 30-45 minutes

Approximately 30 minutes

Approximately 30-45 minutes

Note: Documents should be submitted before the census date of the research quarter in which your review is due.

Panel Composition

Your Progress Review Panel (PRP) in the School of Psychology will consist of a chair, the supervisory team and two reviewers (“readers”) for Confirmation of Candidature Review, and a chair and the supervisory team for Progress Reviews 2 and 3.

Progress Review Chair

The Psychology DHDR appoints the chairs for all progress reviews.  Before the start of the Research Quarter in which your progress review is due, the DHDR will pre-appoint a chair of the Progress Review. The HDR Liaison Officer will then advise the student, Principal Advisor and Chair of the appointment via email. If you are planning to do your review before the start of the research quarter and do not yet have your chair details, please reach out to your DHDR to confirm the name/details of your progress review chair. Please note that your chair may not be the same for each review, so it is important that you receive confirmation of your chair details before arranging your review.

Confirmation of Candidature (R1) Readers

It is the responsibility of the HDR candidate and advisory team to find and confirm the 2 nominated readers for Confirmation of Candidature (R1). To ensure the nominated readers are available, the candidate or advisor should contact each reader and confirm their availability prior to nominating them. It is possible for one Associate Advisor to act as a reader, provided their advisory load is no more than 30%.