6. Roles and responsibilities


  • assist the candidate in nominating a Chair and/or reviewer(s)
  • review and endorse the nomination of a Chair and/or reviewer(s) 
  • submit the principal advisor’s statement to the Chair
  • review the candidate’s work prior to submission to the Review Panel


  • work with the advisory team to nominate a Chair and/or reviewer(s) for endorsement by the Director of HDR
  • nominate suitable times for a review meeting and presentation (if required) and coordinate this with the review committee 
  • begin the Progress Review request in my.UQ and send your documents to the panel via this request
  • check and prepare any technical requirements (zoom etc) and logistics in advance
  • attend the review meeting and present their research (if required) at the scheduled time and location
  • implement feedback in consultation with their advisory team


  • consider the feedback provided by the advisory team, candidate and reviewer(s)
  • Chair the review meeting and presentation (if required)
  • provide a Chair's report summarising the outcomes of the review and further work (if any) required by the candidate

Progress Review Panel members

  • provide independent written feedback on the candidate's progress
  • attend the review meeting and presentation (if required)

Director of Higher Degree Research (DHDR)

  • monitor overdue Progress Reviews  
  • support the advisor and candidate by following up if the Progress Review Panel is unresponsive or the candidate/advisor/chair requires advice
  • provide academic advice
  • endorse the Progress Review Panel

Higher Degree by Research Liaison Officer (HLO)

  • provide advice about the administrative process to the candidate as needed. (where to find forms, etc) 
  • book a room, if required, after the candidate confirms a date
  • advertises Progress Review to AOU
  • monitor overdue Progress Reviews with DHDR

Graduate School Dean

  • consider the reviews of candidature