Before reading the guidelines outlined on this page, ensure you have reviewed all the information about Progress Reviews, including the criteria for each review, and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression Procedure.

How to organise a Progress Review

The following guidelines outline the management and conduct of HDR Progress Reviews in the School of Civil Engineering. These guidelines should be used in combination with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Procedure. Further instructions to help you to arrange your upcoming review are available here.

Progress Reviews Snapshot

Progress review requirements


Confirmation of Candidature (R1) 

Review 2 (R2) 

Review 3 (R3) 

Candidature Documents 

Project Documents 

  • Confirmation of candidature report, typically no more than 8000 words
  • iThenticate report
  • Short statement, typically between 2 – 4 pages
  • iThenticate report
  • Short statement, typically no more than 5 pages
  • iThenticate report

Review Meeting 

60 minutes

60 minutes

60 minutes

Oral Presentation


25 minutes with additional time as needed for Q&A and discussion

Upon request from the Progress Review Panel

Upon request from the Progress Review Panel

Note: Documents should be submitted by the census date of the research quarter in which your review is due.

Panel Composition

Your Progress Review Panel (PRP) in the School of Civil Engineering will consist of at least three members and no more than four members, all external to the advisory team. Essential members are: 

  • The Chair: a School academic who has suitable seniority and discipline insight to be able to act with integrity in formulating the panel’s recommendations. 
  • At least two members of staff who have expertise in the general area of the thesis project.
  • A discipline expert external to the School is optional and may replace one of the school staff members.

It is expected that the Progress Review Panel will remain the same throughout your candidature.