Learn how to organise paid leave or interruptions (unpaid) during your Higher Degree by Research degree.

Read this information carefully before applying to ensure you apply for the correct type and understand the rules and considerations involved.

If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate school by phone, email, drop in or book an appointment.

Apply for paid leave

If you're a UQ HDR living stipend scholarship holder you may be entitled to the following types of leave:

  • Paid recreation leave - 20 working days (FTE) for each year of the scholarship.
  • Paid personal/sick leave - 10 working days (FTE) for each year of the scholarship.
  • Additional personal/sick leave - 60 working days within the duration of the scholarship.
  • Parental leave: 
    • Candidates who have completed 12 months of their scholarship are entitled to a maximum of 60 working days paid parental leave during the scholarship.
    • If the recipient is the partner of the primary carer for a child, the recipient is entitled to a maximum of ten working days parental leave during the scholarship.
    • A second period of primary carer parental leave to the equivalent of 60 working days paid leave may now be requested for a second child.

When applying for some types of leave you’ll need to upload evidence to support your request, such as a medical certificate or letter from Student Support and Wellbeing Services.

View the UQ and RTP Research Scholarships policy and procedure for full details on paid leave or contact the Graduate School for assistance and advice.

How to apply for leave

If you have a laptop or other equipment provided by your enrolling School or Institute, you may be required to return these items until you resume candidature. Discuss this with your Advisory team before starting your leave or interruption.
If you are in your last quarter of stipend and require additional sick leave or parental leave, please email the Graduate school team, and cc your Principal Advsior. Documentation is not required at this stage; we will request if needed. Our team will assist you to submit the change. 

Note: If you take paid sick leave you remain enrolled and student services amenities fees will still be payable. 

Request recreation leave, sick leave, additional sick leave or parental leave

Using your staff login, sign in to Workday to submit your leave request.

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Interrupt my candidature

Enrolment periods for HDR candidates at UQ are measured in Research Quarters (RQ). You may apply for up to 4 research quarters of interruption, either consecutively or separately.

It's important to apply well before the start of the quarter so that your interruption is processed on time, and your candidature and scholarship(s) are not impacted. You should apply at least 3 weeks before the RQ you wish to interrupt.

If you realise that you require an interruption from your program after the quarter has already begun, or if you feel you require more than 4 research quarters, contact the Graduate School as soon as possible to discuss options.

Note that:

  • If you're interrupted during a RQ in which you have a Progress Review due, this will be moved to the RQ in which you return from interruption.
  • If you hold a UQ-administered living stipend scholarship, this will be paused for the duration of your interruption, and the expiry date extended.
  • If your living scholarship is not administered by UQ, you should refer to your living scholarship provider’s conditions regarding interrupting your candidature. For sponsored students, you may need to upload approval from your sponsor to support your interruption request
  • Additional interruption can be considered for unpaid parental leave, up to 4 RQs in each instance. Information on paid parental leave can be found on this page under 'Applying for paid leave'.
  • Interruption in the first and last 3 months of candidature will require special consideration, which will request on your behalf after you submit your request. Additional supporting documentation may be required. We'll contact you if we need more information.  

Consult the Higher Degree by Research Candidature policy and procedures for full details on interruption or contact the Graduate School for assistance and advice.

Note: If you take interruption, you will be interrupted from your studies for the research quarters you have nominated and you will not be required to pay student services amenities fees.

Request an interruption

Using your student login, sign in to my.UQ and select the Interrupt HDR Program request. Your request will be routed to your PA for endorsement and then to the Graduate School for approval.

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