Before reading the guidelines outlined on this page, ensure you have reviewed all the information about Progress Reviews, including the criteria for each review, and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression Procedure.

How to organise a Progress Review

The following guidelines outline the management and conduct of HDR Progress Reviews in the School of Pharmacy. These guidelines should be used in combination with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Procedure.

Progress Reviews Snapshot

Progress review requirements


Confirmation of Candidature (R1)

Progress Review 2 (R2)

Progress Review 3 (R3)

Candidature Documents

Project Documents

  • Research synopsis
  • Thesis chapter or manuscript if undertaking a thesis with publications
  • iThenticate report
  • Research synopsis
  • Thesis outline
  • Thesis chapter or manuscript if undertaking a thesis with publications
  • iThenticate report

Oral Presentation 

  • Open
  • 20-30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes questions
  • Closed
  • 20-30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes questions
  • Open
  • 30-40 minutes presentation + 10-15 minutes questions

Review Meeting  

  • 50 minutes

  • 50 minutes

  • 50 minutes

Note: Documents should be submitted by the census date of the research quarter in which your review is due. 

Panel Composition

Your Progress Review Panel (PRP) in the School of Pharmacy will consist of a Chair, who will also review your work, and at least one additional Independent Reviewer.

The Chair should be:

  • An academic staff member of the School of Pharmacy who is familiar with the research discipline, or in the case of multi-disciplinary projects, is familiar with part of the research discipline represented in the project.
  • This person is required to chair the progress review oral presentations and meeting.
  • They must be a member of UQ’s HDR Principal Advisor Registry and must hold a degree of a level equivalent to or greater than the one the thesis is being examined for.
  • They cannot be a current or former member of the advisory team.
  • A person who does not meet all the above criteria may be appointed to the role of Chair at the discretion of the Director of HDR.

Note: The Progress Review Chair is usually also nominated as the Chair of Examiners for the examination process. Principal advisors should select members who meet the criteria mentioned above, as well as the UQ Chair requirements, and who are not heavily loaded with chairing duties. Refer the Director of HDR for your school for further guidance.

The Independent Reviewer/s should be:

  • At least one person who has expertise in the research discipline, or in the case of multi-disciplinary projects, is familiar with part of the research discipline represented in the project.
  • This person can be affiliated with UQ or external to UQ.
  • They cannot be a current or former member of the advisory team.
  • The Chair and the Independent Reviewer cannot be the same person.
  • They do not need to hold a degree of a level equivalent to or greater than the one the thesis is being examined for, but they must be experts who can provide academic feedback on the project and progress review materials.
  • It is advisable to have more than one Independent Reviewer for multi-disciplinary projects to ensure that disciplinary expertise covers the entire project.

Note: candidates should ensure that your panel members have received all of the required documents, and have been requested to provide feedback to the Chair regarding these documents prior to the progress review meeting.

Progress Review Meeting/Presentation

If circumstances permit, UQ Pharmacy HDR Progress Review seminars and interviews should preferably be run in dual mode (i.e., in person and online). 

Running the Progress Review seminar and interview only online via Zoom should be reserved for when:

  • UQ guidelines preference online events;
  • when students are enrolled in remote mode; or
  • when events at PACE are prevented by government/UQ directives.

Meeting availability

You can use doodle poll to help you find a date and time that suits you, your advisors, and the panel. We recommend scheduling at least 2 hours for this meeting. Do not keep the poll open for too long as people’s availability can change.

Book a room

Students can use UQ Book It to book certain rooms and resources for Reviews 1 and 3 if required (you must log in with your UQ Staff account - guide here).

Various ‘PACE MEETING ROOMS’ are suitable for Review 2 where smaller room capacity is required.

Larger room capacity in the PACE Building for Reviews 1 and 3 include the following ‘UQ LEARNING SPACES’:


Zoom online meeting link

Please create a Zoom link for your meeting (user guide here). Please make the Chair the Alternate Host.

Candidature and Project Document Feedback

Panel members should provide feedback to the Chair on the supplied candidature and project documents prior to the progress review meeting. The Chair will vet this feedback and provide it to the student.

Confidentiality agreement

If a Confidentiality Agreement is required, they are available for in-person (PDF, 96.9 KB) or online (PDF, 106.5 KB) progress review presentations – ensure all panel members sign it before sending any project documents to the panel. If you are unsure if a Confidentiality Agreement is required your Principal Advisor or the Research Partnerships Manager should be able to advise.

Advertise your presentation

QAEHS students should discuss how to advertise their Progress Review 1 and 3 with their Principal Advisor.

As a requirement of  Progress Reviews 1 and 3, Pharmacy candidates are required to give an open oral presentation. School of Pharmacy students should email their HLO at least 2 weeks before the Progress Review presentation takes place with the following information:

  • Progress Review #
  • Seminar Title
  • Date  
  • Time
  • Venue/room (if applicable)
  • Zoom link
  • Principal Advisor
  • Associate Advisor/s
  • Chair
  • Independent Reviewer/s

An invitation will be sent to School of Pharmacy academics and HDR students. Where room capacity is limited for audience members, please provide a Zoom link only.