1. Overview

HDR candidate progression at UQ is supported by a sequence of activities that include:

These are designed to assist your development and support you in successfully completing and submitting your thesis within the expected timeframe.

It's the responsibility of HDR candidates, their advisors, and panel members to familiarise themselves with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression policy and the guidelines for Progress Review requirements specific to their school/institute.


This process provides you with some flexibility to manage your timeline within the 2-year duration for an MPhil or the 3.5-year duration for a PhD. Your Progress Review meeting can be scheduled at any point during the research quarter in which it is due. If you're the recipient of a UQ HDR scholarship, this timeline also aligns with your scholarship timeline.

Progression requirement



Early Candidature Checkpoint (ECC)

3 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

3-6 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

Confirmation of Candidature (R1)

6 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

12 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

Review 2 (R2)

12 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

24 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

Review 3 (R3)

18 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

36 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

Submission for Examination

*by 21 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

*by 42 months (full-time equivalent) after commencement

These timelines will vary for part-time candidates or candidates who have taken an interruption. You can check when your Progress Review is due by logging in to my.UQ. You'll need to complete your Progress Review in the research quarter it is due.


Progress Reviews are intended to provide regular, timely feedback on your work, and bring your submission to fall within 3.5 years (14 research quarters) for a PhD, or 21 months for an MPhil. However, sometimes there are unavoidable delays in research, and we therefore have a process for extending your PhD thesis submission date up to a maximum of 4 years (16 research quarters), full-time equivalent.

MPhil candidates have a maximum of 24 months, full-time equivalent, in which to submit. Any delays must be accommodated within this timeline.

The Meeting

Each Progress Review requires you to submit Progress Review documents and attend a meeting with your Progress Review Panel (PRP).

The meeting provides you and your advisory team with an opportunity to discuss your professional development, research progress and any other issues that need to be addressed. It will also allow you to answer any questions raised by the reviewers and to receive verbal feedback on your progress.

Some schools/institutes will require you to also deliver an oral presentation as part of this process. If this is a requirement at your school or institute it will be listed in your school/institute guidelines.

Overdue Progress Reviews

Progress Reviews that are not completed within the research quarter in which they are due will be regarded as overdue and must be completed by the following research quarter. Progress Reviews that are more than one research quarter overdue may prompt a Notice of Intention to Withdraw. An overdue Progress Review will not change the dates of future Progress Reviews.

Please contact your Director of HDR or the UQ Graduate School if you need further assistance.