Before reading the guidelines outlined on this page, ensure you have reviewed all the information about Progress Reviews, including the criteria for each review, and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression Procedure.

How to organise a Progress Review

The following guidelines outline the management and conduct of HDR Progress Reviews in the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences. These guidelines should be used in combination with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Procedure. Further instructions to help you to arrange your upcoming review are available here.

Progress Reviews Snapshot

Progress review requirements


Confirmation of Candidature (R1)

Review 2 (R2)

Review 3 (R3)

Candidature Documents

Project Documents

  • Confirmation proposal (approx. 15,000-25,000 words)
  • Ethics application, if relevant
  • iThenticate report

Oral Presentation

Open (20-30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes questions)

Open (20-30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes questions)Open or closed (20-30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes questions)

Review Meeting 

120 minutes

120 minutes120 minutes

Note: Documents should be submitted by the census date of the research quarter in which your review is due.

Panel Composition and meeting format

Your Progress Review Panel (PRP) in the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability will consist of:

  • a chair
  • an additional reviewer with relevant discipline expertise.
  • your advisory team

The chair of the panel must be an academic from within the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability. The reviewer may be affiliated to the School or an external organisational unit. Junior staff (e.g. Post-docs) can be involved as secondary reviewers. If possible, you will have the same panel for all three reviews.

The candidate organises the Progress Review meeting to take place in the second half of the research quarter. It will begin with a 20–30-minute oral presentation with 10 minutes of question time, which is open to the School. The oral presentation is followed by a closed 60–90-minute meeting with the review panel, this consists of four stages:

  • Questions and discussion with the candidate, Advisors and Panel,
  • Panel discussion with the advisors (without the candidate),
  • Panel discussion with the candidate (without the advisors), and
  • Discussion between the Chair and the candidate only (if necessary)

In addition to the prescribed sequence, the Chair also possesses the authority to determine the order of proceedings based on the specific context and requirements of the progress review. This flexibility allows the Chair to optimise the discussion and decision-making process, ensuring a fair and comprehensive assessment of the candidate's performance.

Verbal feedback will be provided by your chair and reviewer(s) during the progress review meeting. Your chair will also prepare a written report detailing the recommendations of the Progress Review Panel, which will be available through my.UQ. You may be required to make amendments to the Confirmation Proposal document (based on the feedback from the panel. The amended report will be prepared to the satisfaction of your chair and/ or your advisors.