3. Progress Review Criteria

Progress Reviews provide an opportunity for you to receive independent feedback on your progress and development needs.

This process provides you with some flexibility to manage your timeline within the 2-year duration for an MPhil or the 3.5-year duration for a PhD. Your Progress Review meeting can be scheduled at any point during the research quarter in which it is due. If you're the recipient of a UQ HDR scholarship, this timeline also aligns with your scholarship timeline.

Confirmation review (R1) - criteria

R1 will start 6 months FTE (MPhil) or 12 months FTE (PhD) after commencement. For professional doctorates, R1 will start 6 months FTE after commencement of the research component. The purpose of the confirmation review is to: 

  • assess whether you have a viable research project that's achievable and appropriate for the program in which you are enrolled
  • identify additional professional development that may be required to ensure timely completion and demonstration of the Higher Degree by Research Graduate Attributes Policy
  • confirm that you feel supported and equipped to complete the program within the required timeframes
  • ensure you receive independent written feedback about any issues that need to be addressed.

Progress review 2 (R2) - criteria

R2 will start 12 months FTE (MPhil) or 24 months FTE (PhD) after commencement. For professional doctorates, R2 will start 12 months FTE after commencement of the research component. The purpose of the second review is to:

  • confirm advisory arrangements and resources are adequately supporting timely program completion
  • assess whether your progress is satisfactory and whether the project is on track for completion within the required timeframe
  • review whether your skills and HDR Graduate Attributes are developing appropriately
  • ensure that you receive independent written feedback and direction on any issues that may need to be addressed.

Progress review 3 (R3) - criteria

R3 will start 18 months FTE (MPhil) or 36 months FTE (PhD) after commencement. For professional doctorates, R3 will start 18 months FTE after commencement of the research component. The purpose of the third review is to:

  • assess whether your progress is satisfactory and whether the project is on track for completion within the required timeframe
  • ensure that the scope, originality and quality of the thesis will be of an appropriate standard for external examination 
  • assess whether the thesis engages with the relevant literature and shows an advanced knowledge of research principles and methods relevant to the discipline
  • ensure the thesis makes a significant and original contribution to knowledge (PhD) or shows originality in the application of knowledge (MPhil/Professional Doctorates)
  • evaluate whether your quality of writing meets the standard expected of a higher degree
  • provide independent written feedback about your readiness for examination by the expected date of submission (see Higher Degree by Research Examination Policy)
  • confirm that you have demonstrated the HDR graduate attributes.