Before reading the guidelines outlined on this page, ensure you have reviewed all the information about Progress Reviews, including the criteria for each review, and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression Procedure.

How to organise a Progress Review

The following guidelines outline the management and conduct of HDR Progress Reviews in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences. These guidelines should be used in combination with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Procedure.

Progress Reviews Snapshot

Progress review requirements


Confirmation of Candidature (R1)

Review 2 (R2)

Review 3 (R3)

Candidature Documents

Project Documents

  • 15-20 page proposal (PhD) or 10 page (MPhil or DBiotech)  summarising  background, results and plans. 
  • iThenticate report.
  • Submit a 2-3 page (PhD) or 1-2 page (MPhil or DBiotech) report summarising progress and plans.

  • Submit a 4-5 page (PhD) or 2-3 page (MPhil, DBiotech) report summarising progress and plans.

Review Meeting 

~90 minutes

~45 minutes

~45 minutes

Oral Presentation 

  • Select an open or closed presentation.
  • 20-25 minutes presentation.
  • Select an open or closed presentation
  • 15-minute presentation.
  • Select an open or closed presentation
  • 15-minute presentation.

Note: Documents must be submitted by the census date of the research quarter in which your review is due.

Panel Composition

Your Progress Review Panel (PRP) in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences will consist of a chair and two expert reviewers. The panel will be chosen by the supervisor in consultation with you. The chair will also be the chair for your oral thesis defence (unless there are unforeseen circumstances) and is expected to be familiar with your topic of research.