Before reading the guidelines outlined on this page, ensure you have reviewed all the information about Progress Reviews, including the criteria for each review, and the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression Procedure.

How to organise a Progress Review

Progress Reviews Snapshot

Progress review requirements


Confirmation of Candidature (R1)

Review 2 (R2)

Review 3 (R3)

Candidature Documents

Project Documents

  • Updated research proposal
  • Statement of progress since commencement
  • Updated research plan
  • iThenticate report
  • Example of written work
  • Example of artistic work (if applicable)
  • Statement of progress since R1
  • Updated research plan
  • iThenticate report
  • Full draft of thesis
  • Full draft of folio of artistic work (if applicable)
  • Statement of progress since R2
  • Updated research plan
  • iThenticate report

Review Meeting

60 minutes

60 minutes

60 minutes

Oral Presentation

Open presentation about research project (20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes questions)

Closed presentation about research project (10 minutes presentation + 20 minutes questions)

Open presentation about final research findings (30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes questions)

Note: Documents should be submitted by the census date in the research quarter in which your review is due.

Panel Composition

Your Progress Review Panel (PRP) in the School of Music will consist of a Chair, a Reviewer and all your advisors. Your Chair will usually be the Director of HDR, unless they are a part of your advisory team, in which case an alternative Chair will be found by your advisory team.

Where possible, the same person will be the reviewer for your Progress Review and the Chair of Examiners when you proceed to Oral Examination. Reviewers should have experience supervising HDR students at your level (so MPhil students must have a reviewer who can supervise MPhil students, and PhD students must have a reviewer who can supervise PhD students), have a good knowledge of your area of research, and have completed the requirements to chair an examination. Reviewers must be recognised as independent and able to give unconflicted advice to both you and the advisory team.

Reviewers for students in the School of Music can come from within the School or the wider University where appropriate. Please discuss with your advisory team who might be suitable as your panel members. Your advisory team will approach the potential panel members. Once confirmed, you need to enter their names in your my.UQ Progress Review request.

Scheduling your review

Book a room for your progress review. Alternately, the School of Music has a standing two-hour booking for staff meetings that HDR candidates can use for progress review meetings: the standing booking is from 10am to 12pm on Tuesday in Semester 1, 2024, and from 10am to 12pm on Wednesday in Semester 2, 2024. To request permission to use this standing booking for your progress review, please contact the School of Music Executive Assistant via

Advertising your review

To promote your progress review presentation in the School of Music research seminar series, please contact the School of Music Concerts and Engagement Officer via at least 2 weeks in advance and provide the following details:

  • The date, start and finish time, and location for your presentation
  • Your thesis title and abstract
  • Your photo and biography