8. Outcomes

Following the interview, the Chair will complete their report within the HDR Progress Review request, summarising the feedback of the Review Panel within 5 working days.

The Chair can recommend one of the following outcomes:

Review successful

This outcome will be recommended if the panel feels your progress is satisfactory for the stage of candidature. However, the panel may request changes and adjustments and you should liaise with your advisory team to implement any feedback provided by the Chair and reviewer(s).

Once you have completed your Progress Review request, and it has been processed, your my.UQ Dashboard will then update to reflect the next stage in your candidature.

Repeat review

This outcome will be recommended if the panel has significant concerns about your ability to complete the project within the required time frame. Your panel Chair will advise you and your advisory team both verbally and in writing that you and/or your project require further development. 

The Chair’s report will outline why progress has not been satisfactory and will identify the tasks, timelines, and deliverables you need to complete before re-attempting your review. The report may also include constructive advice on strategies to improve performance and outline the support and resources available to help you to progress your candidature. 

Your Chair will give a maximum of 3 months FTE for a PhD, or 1.5 months FTE for an MPhil from the date the written feedback is returned to you, to address the feedback provided by the Review Panel. It will be necessary to convene a follow-up meeting after you have revised and resubmitted additional documentation to the panel. 

Use the How to Organise your Progress Review steps again to assist you in preparing for your repeat review.

Review of candidature

You are permitted to attempt each Progress Review twice. If the repeat attempt is not satisfactory, the Chair and your advisory team will counsel you about your options, which may include a Review of Candidature if sufficient progress has not been made.

The Chair may also initiate a Review of Candidature Request if suitable advisory arrangements can no longer be provided due to the departure of members of the advisory team.

Change of program

The Review Panel can also recommend a Change of Program. This option would be used in cases where the Review Panel supports a transfer from one HDR program to another (i.e. MPhil to PhD).