To apply for an extension please submit a HDR Completion Plan (DOCX, 55.4 KB). This will help us assess and process your application for extension. Ensure you outline your remaining work and your plan for completion. You will need to seek the support of your Principal Advisor to complete this request.

If you have already exceeded 4 years of candidature (equivalent full-time PhD and Prof Doc only), you may not be eligible for an extension. Please contact us to request an appointment to discuss your options.

If your submission extension is approved, you will automatically be considered for any tuition scholarship extensions that you may be eligible for.

If you hold a UQ living stipend, you may be eligible to apply for the Career Development Scholarship. Check to see if you meet the eligibility requirements before applying.

Please note: You can find information about your current scholarship/s on your my.UQ page – click on “My Candidature”.

Submitting your request

Once your form is completed with your Principal Advisor's support, submit it to the Graduate School.

Submit now

Submit your request

Relinquish your scholarship

If you would like to relinquish your scholarship for any reason, please use the online form.

Request now

Relinquish scholarship