Understand what is required during a higher degree by research (HDR) progress review.

2. Running a Progress Review

The progress reviews process is designed to support the development of our HDR candidates, and to assist them to complete and submit their thesis in the expected timeframe. HDR candidate progression at UQ is supported by a sequence of activities that include an Early Candidature Checkpoint (ECC) and three Progress Reviews.

The candidate and advisor statements are confidential questionnaires asked of both the candidate and advisor that are only shared with the Chair of the progress review panel and the Director of HDR in the school/institute. These statements are important tools that can assist you, as Chair, to gain a clear picture of how the candidate is progressing, their fit with the advisory team, and what supports or barriers may be impacting upon the candidate’s progression.

When reading through these statements, note any discrepancies between the candidate and advisor statements to ensure they are both on the same page.

  • Also, consider meeting frequency and whether the current meeting framework is producing the appropriate progress in the candidate’s program.
  • If any issues or challenges have been outlined as impacting progress, this should be considered when reviewing the work presented at the progress review to help you determine whether it is sufficient given the time and circumstances that have passed.
  • You may also find from time to time that concerns about a process, the candidate, or the advisory team have been raised.  If you need help moving forward with any concerns raised, you should speak with the Director of HDR in your institute or school for advice.
  • When reviewing project documents and checking the iThenticate report, refer to the UQ Staff Guide [Staff Login Required] for tips and advice.

The Meeting

Pre Meeting

  • Ensure you understand the Candidature Progression Policy
  • [If running via Zoom] General Zoom instructions can be found here. Please ensure that the student has assigned the role of meeting Host to the Chair in Zoom.

Sample Program

You can download a sample run sheet (DOCX, 53.3 KB). This is a suggested run sheet only. You should review the guidelines for your school/institute to confirm any differences.

In case technology fails

Create an alternative means of communication:

  • Teams Meeting: Created before confirmation, link circulated in case of a Zoom failure.
  • If one panel member has technical issues, call them for their questions by phone, or ask them to email their questions and brief them on the response after the meeting for their feedback.
  • Phone can also be used.