3. How to pay

There are different payment options for international and domestic students.

Most students must pay the SSAF, but a select few are exempt. See students who are exempt from paying the SSAF.

If you hold a New Zealand Special Category visa and you meet the long-term residency requirements, contact Student Fees before applying for a SA-HELP loan.

International students

Your Student Services and Amenities fee must be paid by the due date.

There are several ways to pay, including Flywire for international payments or BPAY, Visa or Mastercard for Australian payments. View how to pay.

To make a payment, please:

  1. Log in to mySI-net
  2. Go to 'Financials'
  3. Go to 'Pay my fees now'
  4. Follow the steps and submit.

Domestic students

Your Student Services and Amenities fee must be paid by the due date. You can either pay it upfront or apply for an SA-HELP loan.

There are several ways to pay, including Flywire for international payments or BPAY, Visa or Mastercard for Australian payments. View how to pay.

Pay your SSAF upfront

To make a payment, please:

  1. Log in to mySI-net
  2. Go to 'Financials'
  3. Go to 'Pay my fees now'
  4. Follow the steps and submit.

Apply for a SA-HELP loan

If you want a SA-HELP loan, you only need to apply once for your UQ program, but if you change programs, you must apply again.

Follow these steps to apply for a SA-HELP loan:

Step 1: Generate your loan form
  1. Log into mySI-net
  2. Go to the ‘Financials’ panel
  3. You now need to generate a new eCAF loan form. Select ‘SA-HELP eCAF ‘ and then click the ‘Generate eCAF’ button to create an eCAF invitation
  4. Check your email from the Department of Education for your unique passkey and a link to access the Government eCAF portal.
Step 2: Complete and submit your form before the Census Date

Log in to the eCAF portal with your passkey and date of birth, and then follow the prompts.

You’ll need to:

  1. Review and confirm the pre-populated information in the eCAF. 
  2. Enter your Tax File Number (TFN):
  • If you don’t have a TFN, you can submit your eCAF, but you must provide a TFN or a Certificate of Application for a TFN and an Australia Post receipt to fees@uq.edu.au before the SSAF payment date
  • Ensure your TFN, name and date of birth match the records held by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • You won't be eligible for a FEE-HELP loan if we or the Australian Tax Office (ATO) can’t verify your TFN by the Census Date
  • You can verify or update your TFN via your myGov account or by contacting the ATO.
  1. Verify your Unique Student Identifier (USI).
Step 3: Confirm your submission is complete

Once you submit your loan application, you’ll receive an email confirming your submission and a copy of the completed form.

You can check your eCAF status on the mySI-net SA-HELP loan page. It may take 1–2 hours for your status to update. Click the ‘Retrieve eCAF status’ button to refresh your status until it shows ‘Submitted.’

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What's an eCAF?

An eCAF is an electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form you generate from mySI-net and complete on the Government eCAF portal.

Completing the form is compulsory to set up a SA-HELP loan.

How does SA-HELP work?

What happens if I don't have a tax file number?

Apply for a tax file number immediately.

The ATO can take some time to issue tax file numbers.

Once you've applied, ask the ATO to issue a 'Certificate of Application for a TFN', then submit a clear scan or photo of your 'Certificate of Application for a TFN' together with your Australia Post receipt, to fees@uq.edu.au before the SSAF payment date.

If you don't provide UQ with a tax file number or 'Certificate of Application for a TFN' by the SSAF payment date, you will have to pay your SSAF upfront.

What happens if I change programs?

Immediately submit a new eCAF if you switch or add UQ programs.

I have generated an eCAF for my HELP loan. Where can I find my passkey?

After generating an eCAF in mySI-net, check your student email inbox and junk folder for an email from the Department of Education (ecafsystem@education.gov.au).

This email contains a unique passkey and a link to the Government eCAF portal. It may take up to 24 hours to receive the email.

If you do not receive it, please contact Student Fees at fees@uq.edu.au for assistance.

How can I check the status of my eCAF after clicking the 'Generate eCAF' button?

In mySI-net, you will see an eCAF status column indicating your eCAF's current status. You can refresh the status by clicking the 'Retrieve eCAF Status' button.

Clicking on the displayed status will open a pop-up window explaining what the status means.

Do I need to complete a separate eCAF for each HELP loan I am eligible for, such as HECS-HELP and SA-HELP?

You must generate and complete a separate eCAF for each HELP loan type.

You will receive a unique passkey for each eCAF generated for each loan type.

What should I do if my personal information is wrong in my eCAF?

You should update your details in mySI-net.

For more information on how to update your details, refer to my UQ.

After updating your details, delete the incorrect eCAF on the Government eCAF portal and generate a new eCAF invitation through mySI-net.

Please contact Student Fees at fees@uq.edu.au if you need any further assistance.

How do I cancel my request for a SA-HELP loan?

Log into mySI-net, then go to your SA-HELP loan within the ‘Financials’ panel and click the ‘Manage HELP Request’ button to make changes.

If you cancel a SA-HELP loan, you must pay the SSAF fee within two business days.

An updated invoice will appear within 24 hours showing the SSAF amount due.