The amount you pay will depend on:
- what you are studying
- the year you started your program, and
- whether you are a domestic or international student.
Check if you are a domestic or international student.
Fees for domestic students
As a domestic student, the fees you pay will depend on what you are studying, which courses you are enrolled in and when you started your program.
Commonwealth supported students
A Commonwealth supported place (CSP) is a place at a university or higher education provider where the government pays part of your tuition fees. This part is a subsidy, not a loan, and you don’t have to pay it back.
The subsidy does not cover the entire cost of your study. The remaining portion is called the ‘student contribution amount’, the component of your tuition fees you are required to pay.
You may be eligible to get a HECS-HELP loan to help you pay for your studies.
HELP Loans
HELP loans (Higher Education Loan Program) are government loans to assist eligible domestic students.
Types of HELP loans:
- HECS-HELP is available to assist eligible Commonwealth Supported students pay their student contributions
- FEE-HELP is for eligible full tuition-fee paying domestic students to pay all or part of their tuition fees
- SA-HELP is a loan that assists eligible students pay for their Student Services and Amenities fee (SSAF)
- OS-HELP is for assistance with the cost of going on an overseas exchange.
Learn more about applying for HECS-HELP.
Your eligibility for each type of loan depends on what it is being used for, your citizenship and residency status. You must also have an available HELP balance to defer your fees to a loan.
For more information about HELP loans and HELP debts, visit Study Assist (Australian Government).
Domestic full tuition-fee paying places
Students in most postgraduate coursework programs and most non-award programs will pay full tuition fees. Students who commenced studies as an international student and become an Australian permanent resident will also pay full fees.
From 2024, your tuition fees are program-based which means all courses within your program are charged at the same rate for a given academic year.
Learn more about changes to residency, visa or citizenship status.
You may be eligible to get a FEE-HELP loan to help you pay for your studies.
Most domestic undergraduate students are Commonwealth supported, but a small number pay full fees.
To learn more about Commonwealth supported places visit Study Assist (Australian Government).
Higher degree by research fees
Your tuition fees are charged for each research quarter and are calculated on the program you are studying and when you started in your program.
To calculate your fees refer to the HDR tuition fees.
Fees for International students
Coursework tuition fees
Depending on when you commenced in your UQ program, your tuition fees are program-based which means all courses within your program are charged at the same rate for a given academic year.
To view or calculate your fees refer to the international fee schedule.
Higher degree by research fees
Your tuition fees are charged for each research quarter and are based on the program you are studying, when you started in your program, and your area of study/research.
To view and calculate your fees, or learn more about Higher Degrees by Research at UQ, refer to the HDR tuition fees.