Prospective students interested in applying for the program should visit QUEX Institute website.

Candidates are expected to spend at least 12 months (full-time enrolled) at the Host Institution and at least 12 months at the Home Institution over the duration of their Candidature.

Planning your visit and applying for your student visa

Access scholarship funds for travel and development costs

UQ-homed QUEX candidates can access a travel and development allowance of up to $18,000 over the duration of their program for expenses relating to travel between UQ and Exeter, and to support attendance at the annual QUEX symposium and other workshops, short courses, and conferences. The allowance cannot be used for research equipment or consumables.  Research operating costs will be fully covered by the advisory team. Please use the Travel and Development allowance form to submit an application to access the funds.

For QUEX candidates seeking advice on their travel allowance and who commenced prior to 2023, please contact us via

Stipend top-up during research stays at Exeter

Starting RQ1 2025, UQ-homed QUEX PhD candidates conducting research in Exeter will receive a top-up to their stipend.  This will be paid in a lump sum and is based on the number of weeks spent at Exeter.  This additional funding aims to help cover the higher cost of living in the United Kingdom, and further support you as you progress in your research.  To align with the QUEX Joint PhD agreement, the stipend top-up is pre-approved for research stays at Exeter up to an accumulated total of 12 months. Payments beyond the pre-approved amount will require approval by the Dean of the UQ Graduate School.

Apply for your student visa

Before commencing your student visa application, please contact Exeter’s International Student Community & Support Team or book one of their online drop-in sessions. Visit Exeter’s Student Visas page for more information and webinars.

Visit GOV.UK for information on Student Visas and the UK Healthcare Surcharge.

Notify UQ of your travel

Once you have received your student visa (if applicable) and booked your travel to Exeter, complete the Joint PhD candidate – Notification of location Checkbox survey, ensuring that you upload evidence of your flight booking/details.  Please note that changing your status from 'on-campus’ to 'remote’ and providing evidence of your flight details is required before your top-up stipend can be awarded.

Notify now

Notify UQ of your travel

Only submit after booking your travel

Before you arrive

Before you arrive, please reach out to Exeter’s QUEX PGR Support team to let them know when you will be arriving at Exeter.  The QUEX PGR Support team will direct you to your appropriate Faculty contact.  

Please read Exeter’s Before you arrive webpage for top tips you’ll need in preparation for your arrival in the UK.  This includes important information on the International Students Guide, visas, Healthcare, Living in the UK and much more.

Please remember to apply for an Exeter UniCard before you leave Australia.  Please submit your request so that your card is ready to collect when you arrive on campus.

General information for candidates travelling to Exeter can be found in Planning Your Travel to University and Airport Collection Service.

Living costs

Budgeting and managing living costs can be particularly challenging in a new country.  You can get an idea of what living costs in Exeter and Cornwall might include and tips on how to manage them. 


Read about the different student accommodation options, whether in Exeter, Cornwall or in the private sector in Exeter or Cornwall.

If you are planning on renting privately, please be mindful that leases are for a minimum period of 6 months.  When budgeting for the costs of accommodation during your research stays, it is recommended to plan your research stay for at least 6 months wherever possible.

If you are residing in University-managed accommodation, Exeter’s Residence Life Team is there to help you settle in, answer any questions and also run events.  To get an idea of their activities, visit their Res Life Instagram account.

Open a UK bank account

Please visit Exeter’s Bank accounts webpage for more information on opening a UK bank account.

When you have arrived

Please read Exeter’s When you arrive webpage for a list of essential tasks for you to complete once you have arrived in the UK. 

Update your contact details

Please update your UQ mySI-net contact details with your UK address and telephone number.  You will be required to change these details back to your Australian address when returning to UQ.

Things to do - Getting around - Public transport

Devon and Cornwall are full of exciting events and activities all year round. Exeter campuses and the city centre are in comfortable walking distance, but taking the bus and cycling are also good options.  For longer routes, you’ll find train stations within walking distance of both Exeter campuses.

Once you have arrived in Exeter, you may be eligible to apply for a student discount (concession) on public transport fares.  Please see Stagecoach and National Rail for more information (note that mature aged students over the age of 25 may still be eligible for a 16-25 Railcard – see Railcards for Mature Students).

Exeter has three main campuses: Streatham Campus in Exeter, Devon, St Luke’s Campus in Exeter, Devon, and Penryn Campus near Falmouth, Cornwall.  Follow the links below for a campus map and information on travelling to campus:

Exeter’s International student community and support offers a range of ways to get involved, such as the Intercultural Café, Day Trips, Global Chums, and more.

Other resources

Here are some other helpful links for your time at Exeter.

Returning to UQ

Please complete the Joint PhD candidate – Notification of location Checkbox survey to change your status back to onshore when you have returned to UQ.

Notify now

Notify UQ of your travel

Only submit after booking your travel

Update your contact details

Please update your UQ mySI-net contact details with your Australian address and telephone number.  

Pay your Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

UQ charges students the SSAF. This is a compulsory fee that the Australian Government requires universities to collect from students, to help provide student services, support and amenities for students.  For QUEX students undertaking a research period at UQ, payment of SSAF will be required to remain actively enrolled.

Please note that if you are departing Exeter before the Research Quarter census date, UQ’s Student Services and Amenities Fees for that Research Quarter will apply.  Please log into your SI-net account to arrange payment of your SSAF by the due date.

Candidates are expected to spend at least 12 months (full-time enrolled) at the Host Institution and at least 12 months at the Home Institution over the duration of their Candidature.

Planning your visit and applying for your Student Visa

Request a Confirmation of Enrolment

Exeter-based students will need to be issued with a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) by UQ’s Graduate School before they can apply for an Australian student visa. 

To request a COE, Exeter-based students must follow the following process:

  1. Student arranges their Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) through an approved OSHC provider
    • Exeter-based students are responsible for costs associated with OSHC, however, may be eligible to claim costs via their Exeter-funded Travel allowance.
  2. Student emails OSHC certificate to UQ Graduate School (, together with the details of their stay at UQ, i.e., arrival/departure date
  3. Graduate School issues student with their COE for their visa application

Any requests to extend the existing COE must submitted via an Extend Studies And New CoE request online via my.UQ.

Apply for your student visa

As you are enrolled at UQ, you can access free migration and visa advice through the registered migration agent in UQ Union's Student Advocacy and Support (SAS).  Please visit the Department of Home Affairs for more information on visas.

Notify UQ of your travel

Once you have received your student visa and booked your travel to Australia, complete the Joint PhD candidate – Notification of location Checkbox survey, ensuring that you upload evidence of your flight booking/details.

Notify now

Notify UQ of your travel

Only submit after booking your travel

Before you arrive

Before you arrive, please reach out to the Higher Degree Research (HDR) Liaison Officer for your UQ School/Institute to let them know when you will be arriving at UQ. We recommend that you start your first visit with us within one month of the start of the Research Quarter.  You should register to attend the next available Graduate School HDR orientation session after you arrive. Please also review our Getting Started information to ensure you have completed any important steps to help you settle in to your PhD at UQ. 

Please read UQ’s Getting prepared to come to Australia webpage as this includes important information on arriving in Australia and much more.

Please remember to apply for a physical student ID card before you leave the UK.  Waiting times do apply, so please submit your request so that your card is ready to collect when you arrive on campus. 

General information and useful updates for international (and interstate) candidates arriving in Brisbane can be found on UQ’s International and Interstate Students webpage.   

If you’re arriving via the Brisbane Domestic or International Airports, there are several ways to travel from the airport, including:  

  • Taxi
  • Rideshare (Uber, Didi, Ola and Sheba)
  • Airtrain 
  • Con-x-ion shuttle bus. 

Check out the Brisbane Air Transport Options website for more.  Other useful resources include the Brisbane Airport International Arrival Guide and the Translink website (for public transport).

Candidates based at the Gatton campus

We suggest that you arrive and stay in Brisbane until the first weekday when we can book you a seat on the free St Lucia inter-campus shuttle bus to Gatton. Alternatively, if you arrive early on a weekday morning and can be at the St Lucia Campus by 7am, you can travel to Gatton on the shuttle on your day of arrival.  Please let us know your preference at least two weeks prior to arrival, so that we can help organise your trip to Gatton from the St Lucia Campus.


You can find information on both on-campus and off-campus accommodation options at UQ through UQ’s accommodation webpage. To assess the travel distance from campus you can use the Brisbane Translink website.

When you have arrived

Updating your contact details

Please update your SI-net contact details with your Australian residential address and telephone number. It is a requirement for your student visa that you keep your contact details current with the university during your candidature.  You will be required to change these details back to your UK address when returning to the University of Exeter.

Opening an Australian bank account

Visit a local bank branch if you need a local bank account. Please note many banks offer accounts for international students with no withdrawal account fees.

There are numerous banks operating in Australia, with the four largest Australian banks being the Australian New Zealand (ANZ), Commonwealth Bank (CommBank), Westpac and National Australia Bank (NAB).

Pay your Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

UQ charges students the SSAF. This is a compulsory fee that the Australian Government requires universities to collect from students, to help provide student services, support and amenities for students. For QUEX students undertaking a research period at UQ, payment of SSAF will be required to remain actively enrolled. Please log into your SI-net account to arrange payment of your SSAF by the due date.

Things to do - Getting around - Public transport

Brisbane is full of exciting events and activities all year round. To find your way around the city on public transport, use the Translink Journey Planner. We recommend buying a ‘go card’, an electronic ticket that allows you to travel on all Brisbane public transport services. Since COVID, many of the services are cashless, meaning the go card is required.

Once you have arrived and updated your semester address in si-net, you may be eligible to apply for a student discount (concession) on public transport fares.  Please see here for more information.

UQ has four campuses:

  • St Lucia - UQ's main campus, located in inner west Brisbane
  • Herston - home to Medicine and Public Health schools, the Oral Health Centre, UQ Centre for Clinical Research, Child Health Research Centre, and Herston Imaging Research Facility, located in inner north Brisbane
  • Dutton Park - Across the river from St Lucia and is the primary teaching and research location for UQ’s School of Pharmacy and home to the Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences (QAEHS) and the Cornwall Street Medical Centre (UQ Health Care)
  • Gatton – primarily focused on Agriculture, Food Sustainability, Environment, and Veterinary Science, located 87 kilometres west of Brisbane

Returning to Exeter

Our guide on preparing to leave UQ contains helpful information on who to advise of your departure dates, checking the status of any fee requirements, returning equipment and cleaning workspaces, etc. Please review those pages and advise your HDR Liaison Officer of your plans to return so we can ensure you are supported through this process.

Please note that if you are departing Australia after the Research Quarter census dateStudent Services and Amenities Fees for that Research Quarter will apply.

Please complete the Joint PhD candidate – Notification of location Checkbox survey to change your status back to remote when you have returned to Exeter.

Notify now

Notify UQ of your travel

Only submit after booking your travel

Update your contact details

Please update your UQ mySI-net contact details with your UK address and telephone number.