5. Online invoices

Undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students

Online invoices are available via 'Financials' in mySI-net from:

  • mid-January for Semester 1, Teaching Period 2, 3, and 4

  • mid-June for Semester 2, Teaching Period 5, 6 and 7

  • mid-November for Summer Semester, and Teaching Period 8. 

If you change your enrolment, please wait 24 hours for an updated invoice to appear.

Please save a copy of the invoice for your records before making a payment.

Postgraduate research students

Online invoices are available via 'Financials' on mySI-net from:

  • Research Quarter 1: early December
  • Research Quarter 2: early March
  • Research Quarter 3: early June
  • Research Quarter 4: early September.

If you change your enrolment, please wait 24 hours for an updated invoice to appear.

Please save a copy of the invoice for your records before making a payment.

SA-HELP Commonwealth Assistance Notice

A Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) is viewable in mySI-net within 28 days of the SA-HELP incurral date. The CAN will set out the:

  • amount of SSAF incurred,
  • day the Student Services and Amenities Fee was payable, and
  • SA-HELP loan amount for the half-year period, research quarter or trimester.

You will receive an email to your student account when the SA-HELP CAN is available.

You have 14 days from the date of the SA-HELP CAN to advise us in writing of any corrections. In your request, please specify:

  • what you consider incorrect in the SA-HELP CAN
  • the reason you consider it incorrect.

If you think any information on your CAN is incorrect, please immediately contact the Student Fees department: