Tertiary Transition Toolbox

The Tertiary Transition Toolbox (TTT) is a face-to-face program comprised of 2 half-day sessions, run over 2 consecutive days in the week prior to O-Week. The program is recommended for any commencing student who identifies as neurodiverse in any faculty.

Express your interest for the TTT program

About the Program:

Studying at university is different from studying at high school. TTT is designed to help you get a good start by exploring some of these differences and sharing ideas about how to best tackle study at the tertiary level. This program also introduces you to the key university tools and systems you will use, and to the avenues of support and advice available throughout your degree, including information about ongoing mentoring and coaching programs.

Program Schedule 




Tertiary Transition Toolbox 

(Session 1)

Information covered will include:

  • Differences between high school and university study
  • Managing your study in a tertiary environment
  • Support avenues and who can help you to succeed

Registration coming soon.

Tertiary Transition Toolbox 

(Session 2)

Information covered will include:

  • Preparing for and managing challenges
  • Helpful skills to prosper at uni
  • Developing confidence
  • Optional campus tour
  • Information about coaching and mentoring

Information session

For parents and guardians

Information covered will include:

  • Understand the challenges that a neurodivergent student might experience at uni
  • Strategies on how you can provide support
Registration coming soon.


Tertiary Transition Toolbox Program Offered in Semester 2

Tertiary Transition Toolbox Program

The next Tertiary Transition Toolbox is offered in Semester 1 at the St Lucia campus. If you have any questions regarding the program, please email student.services@uq.edu.au


Contact the Learning Advice team if you have any questions about the Tertiary Transition Toolbox Program:

If you have questions about neurodivergent support or want to register for an event, please contact: neurodivergent@uq.edu.au