During your studies, you're likely to encounter many different types of exams. Use the following tips to help you get ready for exam day.

Preparing for exams

Remember that it takes time to prepare for your exams, so start early. To help you get ready for your exams:

Organise your time

At the beginning of the semester, work out how many exams you have, how many chapters and topics you have to revise and how many days you have to dedicate to revision. Use this information to organise a study schedule. Aim to spend approximately 10 hours studying per week per course, including contact time during the semester.

Set study goals

Break up your study sessions by setting goals for yourself each half hour. Your goals could include:

  • creating a concept map of a chapter of your textbook
  • reading through your lecture notes
  • making flash cards for key definitions.

Give yourself a break

Marathon study sessions aren't always effective, so give yourself regular breaks. For example, study for 60 minutes then take a 5-10 minute break.

Complete a past exam

Past exams are available for some courses. If they're available for your course, use them to guide your study strategies and test whether you've been learning effectively.

Understand exam requirements

Make sure you're aware of your exam requirements, including:

  • what is and isn't allowed in the exam room
  • when you need to arrive.

On the day, remember to listen carefully to the exam supervisor’s instructions.

Preparing for digital exams

If you have a digital exam this semester, read the Library’s resources on preparing for digital exam success, especially IT set up and access to Library resources you need for exams. Do this well before the exam.

Completing an exam

To help you do well in your exam:

Read before you write

Read each question carefully to make sure you understand what it's asking you to do. To help you to focus on the most important points, underline all key terms.

Try to read the entire exam before you start to write your answers. This can help you identify which questions you will find easiest to answer, and may also give you clues for answers elsewhere in the exam. Answer the easy questions first.

Remember, there is no extra 10-minute reading time for digital examinations like there is usually for on-campus, paper-based examinations. Your reading time is included in the specified exam duration.

Allocate your time

Take note of the way marks are assigned for each question and allocate your time accordingly – note the questions worth the most marks or which will require the most detailed answers.

Answer every question

Try to answer every question on the sheet, except anything you aren't required to. Remember, even if you don't get the answer completely correct, you may still be able to get some partial marks. When you hand in your exam, remember to hand in your rough work as well.

Give yourself a break

If you find yourself feeling stressed, pause for a moment to collect yourself and remind yourself that you can do this.

When you have finished your answers, take a break (if you have time) then check your work for any errors or questions you may have missed.

Evidence your progress

If you are taking a digital exam we recommend that you save your work and take timestamped photos or screenshots of your progress regularly. Note: you will not be able to take screenshots or photos during an Examplify exam, so saving your work is especially important.

Your evidence should include, where possible, your name or student number as it will be referenced if you are unable to complete your exam, or if you submit your exam late due to technical difficulties.

Try to save your work or take a screenshot after you have completed each question or section. You can copy and paste your screenshots into a Word document. The links below provide instructions for taking a screenshot:

Strategies for different exam types

Different types of exams will require different skills and ask different things of you. Here are some strategies for different types of exams: