Skills for study: STEMM

The Skills for study: STEMM Program is an online workshop run as two 2-hour sessions over two days. It is available to all postgraduate and undergraduate coursework students in the faculties of:

  • Science (SCI)
  • Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)
  • Medicine (Med)
  • Health and Behavioural Sciences (HABS)

While the program is targeted at commencing students, continuing students who wish to refine and develop their writing and learning skills would benefit from participating.

About the Program:

Studying and writing in science and engineering presents specific requirements and challenges. Consequently, in Session 1 the program considers how to study effectively in jargon heavy and quantitative courses. The program then looks at short answer exam question responses in these disciplines, and explores the features of strong answers. In Session 2, the program will explore features of effective writing in these disciplines. While a main focus will be on the standard lab report genre, features common to other report genres and how tables and figures can be incorporated effectively in writing and presentations will also be considered.

Program schedule




Online Skills for study: STEMM Program: Part 1

3 March 2025, 5pm - 7pm

Learning and Exam Prep

Register here

Online Skills for study: STEMM Program: Part 2

4 March 2025, 5pm - 7pm

Academic WritingRegister here

Using Zoom: Guidance

The Skills for study: STEMM sessions are delivered via Zoom. The UQ Library has a range of resources to assist you in setting up Zoom on your device. During the program, please adhere to the following rules:

  • Please keep your mic muted unless you have a comment or question for the host or other attendees.
  • There will be specific time allocated for asking questions. You may also use the Chat box to communicate with the host and other attendees.
  • If you would like to share your writing with others during the sessions, use the Chat box for this purpose.

Register for the Semester 1, 2025 Skills for study: STEMM

The next Skills for study: STEMM is held in Semester 1, 2025. If you have any questions regarding the program, please email