Completing a Progression Improvement Plan can help you identify why you aren't meeting the required levels of academic progress and the steps you can take to get back on track.

See the Progression Alerts and Interventions page for more information on receiving a Progression Intervention notice,understanding the Academic Progression Procedure, and how your student visa may be impacted.

5. Outcomes

The Associate Dean (Academic) will either approve or refuse your Progression Improvement Plan (PIP). You'll be notified of this decision via your student email.

If you're in Australia on a student visa, the outcome of your Progression Improvement Plan submission may impact your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and student visa. Go to Progression Alerts and Interventions - Information for international students to learn more.

1. The Associate Dean (Academic) approves your response

You'll be notified of this outcome via your student email address. If needed, your ability to enrol using mySI-net will be reactivated.

If your Progression Improvement Plan is approved your existing enrolment while on notice will continue. This will be subject to meeting any conditions applied by your faculty. 

The Associate Dean (Academic) may attach conditions to your approval to re-enrol. These conditions are designed to increase your likelihood of success in your studies.

  • Conditions may include attending an interview or workshop, seeking learning assistance from Student Support, or enrolling in fewer courses.
  • You must take personal responsibility for meeting any conditions set. If you're issued a Progression Intervention notice in a later Study Review Period, your success in meeting the conditions set now could impact the outcome of your next PIP. 
  • If you're having difficulty meeting your conditions or understanding what's required of you, please speak to an adviser at your faculty as soon as possible.

2. The Associate Dean (Academic) denies your response

You'll be notified of this outcome via your student email address. In the email, the Associate Dean (Academic) may set conditions that you must meet before a future Progression Improvement Plan will be re-considered, such as an imposed interruption period of 6-12 months.

If your response is refused, you have the option of appealing to the Student Academic Administrative Appeals Committee (SAAAC)If you are enrolled in the current or a future semester, your courses will be cancelled and any financial liability will be removed.

To continue studying at UQ, you'll need to submit another Progression Improvement Plan for consideration in the same semester of the following year. The due dates to submit your response are 5 January to re-enrol in Semester 1, or 30 June to re-enrol in Semester 2. You can find more information on the Returning to study page.