You may be required to submit a medical certificate as supporting documentation if you:

Who can provide a medical certificate 

Medical certificates will be accepted from a:

  • registered medical practitioner (a medical doctor or specialist)
  • registered nurse
  • registered pharmacist – only if you're applying for a deferred exam. Pharmacists can only issue certificates for the date you see them, so this must be obtained either the day of the exam or the day after the exam.

The medical practitioner must be independent – they cannot be a near relative (such as your spouse, partner, child, brother, sister, or parent) or a close associate (such as your friend, neighbour, or partner or child of a colleague). 

Certificate requirements 

Your medical certificate must:

  • include the name and contact details of the medical practitioner or hospital 
  • be on an official medical centre or hospital letterhead, and include a provider number to ensure the health practitioner's credentials can be independently verified by UQ 
  • specify the dates you were impacted by your medical condition
  • be free of handwritten amendments.

In the case of a Removal of Course (RoC) or Progression Improvement Plan (PIP), your certificate must also explain the nature of your medical condition, and how it affected your ability to complete the course or meet your academic progression requirements.

If you are enrolled in an onshore program

Your medical certificate must be issued by a registered Australian health practitioner.

You may only submit an international medical certificate:

  • under extraordinary circumstances, such as falling ill while participating in a UQ-approved overseas activity
  • if you can provide further evidence e.g. flight bookings to prove your travel

If you are enrolled in an offshore program

If you are enrolled offshore or are studying offshore as part of your program requirements, you may submit an international medical certificate.

This documentation must be completed in English or have a certified English translation.

Translated documents will only be approved if the translator is certified by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI)

The Institute of Modern Languages (IML-UQ) provides pay-by-use NAATI certified translation and interpreting services for the UQ community and general public.