Completing your Progression Improvement Plan can help you identify why you are not meeting the required levels of academic progress, and the steps you can take to get back on track

Go to the Progression Alerts and Interventions page for more information on receiving a Progression Intervention notice, understanding the Academic Progression Procedure, and how your student visa may be impacted.

1. Preparing your Progression Improvement Plan

Before you get started, there’s some key information you need to know:

General advice

  1. Don’t panic - we understand there can be many challenges that impact academic progress, and completing a Progression Improvement Plan (PIP) is an opportunity to engage with us about the resources and services available to you.

  2. Read through the Progression Intervention notice sent to your student email address. This contains a lot of important information, including the due date for submitting your PIP.

  3. Get started now by checking out our guide for how to write your Progression Improvement Plan.

  4. Speak to someone at Student Advocacy and Support or Student Central for advice. We're here to help.

What will happen if your Progression Improvement Plan is not submitted or submitted after the due date?

If you don't submit your Progression Improvement Plan (PIP) by the due date, your ongoing enrolment may be cancelled.

To continue studying uninterrupted, you must submit your PIP by the due date listed on the Progression Intervention notice sent to your student email account. This will be 20 business days from the date you received the notice.

Late applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and you will be required to provide evidence of exceptional circumstances that prevented you from submitting your PIP on time.

If your enrolment is cancelled due to non-submission, you will still need to submit a PIP to re-enrol. The due dates to submit your response are 5 January to re-enrol in Semester 1, or 30 June to re-enrol in Semester 2.

Taking a break (interruption of studies)

If you’re considering taking a break (interruption of studies), contact your faculty before the Progression Improvement Plan submission date. The requirements and process vary for international and domestic students, and for students in particular programs. 

If you take a break, you will still need to submit a PIP by 5 January to re-enrol in Semester 1, or 30 June to re-enrol in Semester 2. Go to the Returning to study page for more information on returning after an interruption, including:

  • requirements for domestic students, international students and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students,
  • how to resume your studies after a leave of absence, and
  • how to apply to resume your studies early.

You can find more information on retaining your place in your program after taking an interruption on the Retention of place and interruption of studies page.

For study completed before Summer Semester 2021/22

The current Academic Progression Procedure has been in effect since Summer Semester 2021/22. If you were issued a show cause notice under the previous Academic Progression Procedure in effect before Summer Semester 2021/2022 and you wish to continue your studies, you must respond to your show cause notice by submitting a Progression Improvement Plan. For more information, go to Progression Alerts and Interventions - Understanding Academic Progression

More information

For more information, view the Academic Progression Procedure.