Completing a Progression Improvement Plan can help you identify why you aren't meeting the required levels of academic progress and the steps you can take to get back on track.

See the Progression Alerts and Interventions page for more information on receiving a Progression Intervention notice,understanding the Academic Progression Procedure, and how your student visa may be impacted.

6. Appeals

After receiving the outcome of your Progression Improvement Plan, you have the option to submit an appeal.

How to appeal

Student Academic Administrative Appeals Committee (SAAAC)

If you believe the outcome of your Progression Improvement Plan (PIP) is unreasonable or unjustified, you can submit an appeal to the Student Academic Administrative Appeals Committee (SAAAC).

The SAAAC will either uphold or dismiss your appeal. For your appeal to be considered, you will need to:

  • Provide new or additional information to support your case or provide an argument as to why this decision does not comply with University policy.
  • Lodge the appeal within 10 business days from the date you were notified of the decision using the UQ Student Appeals online form. If you don't submit an appeal within this timeframe, the initial decision will stand. 

Queensland Ombudsman

If your appeal is dismissed, you can choose to submit a further appeal to the Queensland Ombudsman within 10 days of your notice of decision from SAAAC.

To find additional help and resources, including information on how to submit a complaint, refer to the Complaints and academic appeals page.

You'll be notified of progress via your UQ student email account so please check your email regularly.

You can maintain provisional enrolment while your appeal is in progress. If your appeal is successful and your PIP is approved, your existing enrolment while on notice will continue. This will be subject to any conditions imposed by your faculty. If your appeal to the SAAAC is dismissed and any subsequent appeal is also unsuccessful, the provisional enrolment will be cancelled.

If your late PIP submission was not accepted

If your late submission was not accepted and you believe this outcome is unreasonable or unjustified, you can submit an appeal to the Academic Registrar via the UQ Student Appeals online form.

For your appeal to be considered, you will need to provide new or additional information to support your case or demonstrate why this decision does not comply with University policy.

Student support

For help preparing your appeal, please contact Student Advocacy and Support.

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students can also request assistance from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit.

You can find additional help and resources through Student Support.