Student ID cards
ID cards are mandatory for all students.
Apply for your card as soon as possible so you can access rooms, buildings, facilities and exam venues.
4. Use your ID card
You can use your ID card to:
- verify your identity at your allocated exam venue
- access buildings and rooms
- print, scan, and copy at UQ libraries
- borrow from a UQ library self-service loan machine.
Exam venue access
You're required to show your student ID card at your allocated exam venue.
If you don't have your student ID, before you can enter the exam room, you'll need to:
- scan a QR code outside your exam venue to get a temporary ID, or
- go to Student Central to have your identity confirmed.
You won't be given extra time to complete your exam, so organise this ahead of time.
Building access
All ID cards have basic access to buildings and areas which don't require special permission.
If your new card doesn't have the access you expect, we recommend that you:
- Wait 24 hours (sometimes permissions take time to apply).
- Contact your faculty to ask about gaining specific access.
Access can be added for the UQ Sport Fitness Centre and bicycle facilities.