Your exams will either be centrally-run during each major exam period by the Exams Office, or during class time by your respective School.

For centrally-run exams: you will receive a personal exam timetable before each exam period.

For School-based exams: your School will provide details about exams either by email or on your course Learn.UQ/Blackboard site.

Your Electronic Course Profile (ECP) will usually specify whether your exam is central- or School-based.

Exam sessions and times

Semester 1 and 2 end-of-semester exams are scheduled at:

Monday to FridaySaturday

In-semester exams are scheduled on Saturdays only (centrally-run) at:

St LuciaGatton

Deferred and supplementary exams are scheduled at:

  • 8am
  • 11:15am
  • 2:30pm
  • 5:45pm

Summer Semester end-of-semester exams are scheduled at:

  • 9am
  • 1pm


The Academic Calendar is published one year in advance. As a UQ student, you are expected to consult the list of important exam dates and make yourself available to sit your exams as required. On the date of release, timetables will be available at 5pm.

End-of-semester exams

End-of-semester exams are also called 'central exams' or 'final exams'. These are held at specific times:

SemesterTime of yearTimetable release


June5 weeks before the start of the exam period
2November5 weeks before the start of the exam period
SummerFebruaryLate January
  • A personal exam timetable will be emailed to your student email address with the date and time of your exams.
  • A subsequent timetable with venue information will be emailed to you approximately 7 days before the exam period if you are required to be on campus for an exam.

Contact Examinations with questions about end-of-semester exams on 3365 2488 or

In-semester exams

In-semester exams will usually be held during your class times. However, a in-semester exam may be scheduled on a Saturday.

Timetables for Saturday in-semester exams only are published on the my.UQ homepage around 4 weeks before the exams are scheduled.

  • A personal exam timetable will be emailed to your student email address with the date and time of your Saturday exams.
  • A subsequent timetable with venue information will be emailed to you approximately 7 days before the exam period if you are required to be on campus for an exam.

Contact your Course Coordinator, or your School with any questions about in-semester exams if they do not appear on your personal timetable.

Deferred and supplementary exams

Deferred end-of-semester exams and supplementary exams are held during the University's deferred and supplementary exam periods:

  • Semester 1: July
  • Semester 2: December
  • Summer Semester: March

MD Program: dates for deferred exams may differ; students are to contact the Medical School for further information.

Times for deferred and supplementary exams are published on the my.UQ homepage the Thursday before the exam period. A personal exam timetable will be sent to your student email address.

There are no provisions to defer a deferred or supplementary exam. You need to be available to sit your deferred or supplementary examination.

If you have exceptional and unavoidable circumstances that prevent you from sitting your examination, please review the available options listed under Rescheduled examinations - exceptional circumstances on the Deferring an exam page.

Exam venues

You are required to attend the exam venue as listed in your personal timetable.

You will be allocated a seat number for your exam, so it's important that you attend the correct venue and sit in the correct seat.

To find an exam room, or to find your way around campus, download the UQ Maps app or use the UQ maps database to search by building name or building number.

Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your exam start time so you have time to familiarise yourself with the venue and room, and get settled.