Supplementary assessment
If you received a grade of 3 – or a non-graded ‘N’ – you may be eligible for a supplementary assessment.
A supplementary assessment is designed to give you a second chance at achieving a passing grade for a course.
It isn’t a repeat of an exam or assignment – it’s designed to test you on the learning outcomes for the entire course, or specific learning outcomes tailored to you.
Supplementary assessment can take any form (for example, an oral or a written exam). The highest grade you can receive is a 4 or P.
Supplementary assessment is only granted in accordance with the Assessment Procedures.
There are no provisions to defer a supplementary assessment. You need to be available to sit your supplementary examination or complete your assessment.
Read the supplementary assessment section of the Assessment Procedures (Section 3, Part J) to find out if you are eligible to apply. You should also check the course profile for your course to see if it is supplementary-exempt or partial supplementary-exempt.
Once you’ve read the procedures and your course profile, and you think you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply for a supplementary assessment.
If you have any questions about supplementary assessment, contact your school or faculty.
How to apply
You need to apply no later than 11:59pm (AEST) on the 4th calendar day after the release of the final grade for the relevant course. Late applications may be considered, subject to demonstration of exceptional circumstances.
If one or more of the below criteria apply to you, you must apply using the application form below:
- Your course grade was finalised after the official release date of grades.
- You are enrolled at UQ College.
- The program requirements (at the time of admission to the program) included additional provision for supplementary assessment.
Download the Request for supplementary assessment form (PDF, 208 KB)
Email the form to your faculty or UQ College by the deadline outlined above.
Check your student email address for information about the date and format of your supplementary assessment.
For supplementary exams, a notification will be published on my.UQ homepage where the timetable is available and a personal exam timetable will be emailed to your student email address.
Supplementary exams are held:
- Semester 1: July
- Semester 2: December
- Year-long courses: December or July
- Summer Semester: March.
Other forms of supplementary assessment (for example, orals, practicals or assignments) are held in:
- Semester 1: July and August
- Semester 2: December and January
- Year-long courses: December and January, or July and August
- Summer Semester: March.
UQ College supplementary assessment is held within the first 2 weeks of the following trimester.
Supplementary assessment results are typically finalised within:
- Semester 1: within 10 calendar days of the supplementary date.
- Semester 2: within 21 calendar days of the supplementary date.
- Summer Semester: within 10 calendar days of the supplementary date.
Your results are entered into mySI-net by your relevant faculty and will be published to your studies report.
The result will be displayed as 'xSy', where:
- 'x' is the grade you were awarded before the supplementary assessment, and
- 'y' is the grade you achieved in the supplementary assessment.
Further information is available in Section 3, Part H of the Assessment Procedures.