Grievance resolution process
The University has a system in place for dealing with complaints and grievances.
If you have a complaint
In order to resolve a problem or complaint, you have to submit your complaint to the correct place.
Where you submit a complaint will vary, depending on whether your grievance is about an academic or an administrative matter, or whether it is related to your treatment as a person.
As a first step, we encourage you to read the Student Grievance Resolution Policy, Student Grievance Resolution Procedure and Student Grievance Resolution Guideline so you can understand your options and how you might proceed.
Select one of the below to find out where you need to submit your complaint:
Academic matters – assessment and exams
Grievances about assessment matters (including exams and higher degree theses) are addressed, as appropriate, by your school, faculty, or the Dean of the Graduate School in accordance with:
Please note that appeals to the Student Academic Administrative Appeals Committee (SAAAC) are only possible once you have explored and exhausted all other avenues for resolution within your school, faculty or the Graduate School.
Academic matters – teaching and supervision
Coursework students should submit complaints about teaching standards to the relevant Head of School (or Head of Academic Unit).
HDR students should submit complaints about teaching or supervision standards to the Associate Dean (Research) in their faculty or their Institute's Deputy Director.
Before proceeding, all students should read:
If you are dissatisfied with the response of the Head of School, Associate Dean (Research) or Institute Deputy Director, you can submit an appeal, as relevant, to your faculty's Executive Dean or the Dean of the Graduate School.
More information is available in the Student Grievance Resolution Policy, Student Grievance Resolution Procedure and Student Grievance Resolution Guideline.
Other academic matters
Other than assessment and teaching standards, other academic matters might include:
- Admission to programs not governed by the Admission Policy
- Academic standing and showing cause
- Mid-semester deferred exams
- Changes to a finalised result
- Cancellation of a scholarship
- Matters relating to admission or enrolment in an HDR program
- Responsible conduct of research.
Depending on the nature of the academic matter, your grievance might be dealt with by the University Senate, or by another relevant person or University body.
See the Student Grievance Resolution Procedures for more information.
Administrative matters – fees, policies and procedures etc.
The University's administration encompasses a wide range of areas, including fees refunds, late applications (e.g. a late application for a deferred end-of-semester exam), and University policies and procedures.
The best way to resolve your complaint will depend on what aspect of the University's administration your complaint is about.
A full list of administrative complaints areas is available in the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure.
Staff and student conduct
If you have a complaint about the behaviour of a staff member or student, please refer to:
The University also has Discrimination and Harassment Contact Officers who you can approach for advice about your options and the best way to proceed.
The University has the following policies in place:
- Prevention of Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Behaviours Procedure
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Behaviours Policy.
These policies, procedures and guidelines are all subsections of the University's broader Equity and Diversity Policy.
If the reported behaviour is deemed to be a serious criminal offence, it will be referred to the Queensland Police to be dealt with under the Queensland Criminal Code.
If the reported behaviour is about the conduct of a student, in some circumstances it may be treated as student misconduct.
University facilities and resources
If you have a complaint about the availability of university facilities and resources, including the Library, please see the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure.
Matters relating to sexual misconduct aren't dealt with under the University’s grievance resolution process. Visit the UQ Respect website for information about reporting sexual misconduct.
How to make a complaint
If you would like to submit a grievance, please first read the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure. This section explains what to include in your complaint, along with timeframes and other important information.
Once you've read the procedure, use the button below to submit a complaint through a secure form:
Submit a complaint
Complaints are directed to a secure external website to protect your privacy.
We welcome genuine complaints made in good faith and we are committed to providing an effective and transparent complaints management system.
We do not welcome complaints that are trivial, baseless, vexatious, or malicious.
Deliberate misuse of the complaints process is considered student misconduct and will be investigated according to the Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy.
Other ways to submit a complaint
If you are having problems using the online form, you can email your complaint to If you have a large amount of documentation, please submit your complaint on a USB drive at a Student Centre.
If you require further assistance or advice about submitting your complaint, please contact
Appealing a decision
If you want to lodge an appeal against a grievance or misconduct decision you have received, please use the link in the decision outcome letter emailed to you.
If your decision outcome letter email does not contain an appeal link, please submit an appeal.
Decision outcomes that may not include an appeal link include:
- removal of Course requests
- deferred examination requests
- GS/CoE applications
- progression Improvement Plan (PIP) applications
- late Progression Improvement Plan requests.
If you require further assistance or advice about submitting your appeal, please contact
Help with the grievance resolution process
Representatives from your student union can take an advocacy role during the grievance resolution process. Contact the Education and Equity section of Student Advocacy and Support for more information.
Student Support and Wellbeing Services staff can provide you with documents that may support your grievance if needed.
If you initiate a meeting to resolve a grievance with a staff member or a student – or if you are invited to attend a meeting – you are allowed to bring a support person with you (in addition to, or instead of, a student union advocate).
The purpose of your support person is to be a neutral witness to the discussion. The support person must not be a legal representative or a currently practicing solicitor or barrister.
If your complaint is about discrimination or harassment, you can approach a Discrimination and Harassment Contact Officer who can provide you with advice about your options and the best way to proceed.
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