It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that UQ data is kept secure while working remotely.

Follow the tips below to learn how to work safely when away from the office.

Always use a UQ device rather than your own device for work purposes

UQ devices are updated with the latest software protection and can therefore ensure that your work remains secure. Personal devices should not be used for accessing confidential UQ information.

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Ensure your home office workspace is kept physically secure

•    Activate the screen lock when you are not using your computer. 
•    Keep your workspace clear of printed information and other materials with confidential data.
•    If you are working on sensitive matters in a public space, be aware of who is nearby and make sure they cannot see your screen.

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Use the UQ VPN service

When accessing UQ resources off campus ensure you use the UQ Virtual Private Network (VPN). Using the VPN acts as a secure channel from your computer to the UQ network and is required to access some UQ services such as network file shares and particular applications.

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Avoid using public wifi 

Using public wifi is risky as it can be used by cybercriminals to access your data such as login credentials. When working remotely, avoid using public wifi networks to access accounts, such as your UQ account, bank account or online shopping. If you must use public wifi ensure you log into the UQ Virtual Private Network (VPN). More information on using public wifi safely is found in Using wifi safely.

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If your work device gets lost or stolen, report it to IT support immediately

If the lost or stolen device falls into the wrong hands, UQ data is at risk of being compromised. Report it as soon as you discover it has gone missing.

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Secure your home wifi and router

Ensuring your router is secure will prevent someone accessing your internet and your data. Read more on securing personal wifi networks

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