1. Academic transcripts

An academic transcript is an official legal record that lists all the courses you have completed at UQ.

Both current UQ students and UQ graduates can order an academic transcript online.

Each transcript shows your:

  • program
  • grades for every course studied
  • credit and exemptions granted
  • GPA for each semester or trimester, and
  • official qualification (after your award is conferred).

You can't request an academic transcript for select courses, select programs, or specific study periods.

Order online

You can order paper or electronic transcripts. If you are waiting for final grades, select 'delayed processing' to ensure your transcript is produced after the release of results.

Order now

Electronic transcripts

If you have studied at UQ since 2000, you can purchase an electronic My eQuals academic transcript.

Paper transcripts

If you order a paper transcript, it may take several days for your order to be processed. From the date your payment is received, please allow 3 to 10 working days.

If you need a paper transcript urgently, you can order a transcript for collection on the same business day.

Same business day collection

Both current UQ students and graduates (for studies from 1990 onwards) can order a paper academic transcript for collection on the same business day from the St Lucia Student Centre. The cost is $50.

Orders that are not collected will not be refunded. Orders cannot be collected from Gatton or Herston – even if these campuses are selected when placing an order.

Collection times are based on when you order and pay, and are listed below. Students who pay by BPAY may not be able to collect their transcript on the same business day as it can take 1–2 business days for the BPAY payment to clear. 

Order placed and paidAvailable for collection
9am–12pm Monday–Friday1pm
12pm–4pm Monday–Friday4pm
After 4pm Monday–Friday10am the next business day
Saturday or Sunday10am the next business day

Authorise someone to collect your transcript

Another person can collect your transcript from St Lucia's Student Central, but they must be authorised by you and present photo ID.

To authorise a person:

  1. log in to mySI-net (student login required)
  2. select the 'Personal Details' tile
  3. click the 'Grant Authority to Act' link from the side menu
  4. complete the 'Add Authority to Act' form.

For assistance, contact Student Central.


To check the progress of your order:

For pre-1990 records at Gatton:

  • Phone: (07) 5460 1276

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