9. Information for UQ staff

UQ graduation ceremonies aren't just for eligible students. Eligible academic staff members are invited to join in as well.

Academic procession

Eligible academic staff will be invited to join the academic procession. If you're eligible, you'll receive an email invitation on 28 October 2024.

If you would like to join the academic procession, you need to:

  1. Fill out the online registration form in the email invitation.
  2. Indicate your academic dress requirements on the form.
  3. Submit the form by 5pm on 27 November 2024 as listed in the invitation emailed to eligible staff.

You don't have to pay for your academic dress, but it must be returned after the ceremony. If not, you will be charged a replacement fee.

Once your form is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with further details about the ceremony.

Registrations close at 5pm on 27 November so that stage seating can be allocated and suitable academic dress can be arranged. Spaces on stage are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis until stage capacity is reached.


You wont be able to register for stage seating after the closing date. If you are eligible staff, but have not registered by 5pm on 27 November, you can attend the ceremony on the day and will be accommodated if capacity allows. 

Regalia collection and return

Regalia collection will be available from 60 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony within the Staff Academic Dress collection area within the UQ Centre Boardroom for St Lucia and Morrison Hall for Gatton ceremonies. Once you have collected your robes, you are welcome to stay in the room.

Please ensure you are robed and in the room no later than 20 minutes prior to the commencement of the ceremony ready to be organised in correct order for the academic procession.

After the ceremony, remember to return your regalia to the designated staff return point within the UQ Centre Boardroom for St Lucia and Morrison Hall for Gatton ceremonies.

The UQ Centre on the St Lucia campus will close following the last ceremony each day. Staff who attend the post-ceremony celebrations in their academic dress will need to return their regalia to the student return point in the Michie building. 

Ceremony enquiries and changes to registration

Submit a new registration if you need to add a new ceremony or email graduations@enquire.uq.edu.au if you need to cancel your registration.

Graduating staff members

You can join the academic procession and graduate from the stage if you are an eligible academic staff member invited to participate in the academic procession.

Register as a graduate and a staff member

  1. Use the GFP Registration Portal to register as a graduate.
  2. Use the link in your email invitiation to register as a staff member for the Academic Procession.

When you arrive on the day, please firstly check in at the graduate registration point prior to meeting at the UQ Centre Boardroom for St Lucia and Morrison Hall for Gatton ceremonies. You will be briefed on the procedure for being presented your award from stage approximately 40 minutes prior to the ceremony.

Information regarding your registration as a graduate will be emailed to your student email address.

Register for the Academic Procession

Complete the online staff registration form in the staff email invitation and make sure you:

  • tick the 'I am attending the ceremony as a graduating student as well as a staff member’ option
  • tick the 'I would like GFP to provide my Academic Regalia' option
  • indicate your academic dress requirements on the form.

On the day, you will collect your hired regalia from the Staff Academic Dress collection area within the UQ Centre Boardroom for St Lucia and Morrison Hall for Gatton ceremonies. See the ‘Regalia Collection and Return’ section above for more information.  

For any enquiries, please contact graduations@enquire.uq.edu.au.

On the day of your ceremony

Your academic dress will be available for collection 2 hours before your ceremony start time. Collect your dress from the academic procession robing booth in the UQ Centre foyer for St Lucia ceremonies and Morrison Hall for Gatton.

About 90 minutes before your ceremony start time, check in at graduate registration (see 'Graduation day guide'). You'll then participate in appropriate graduate briefings 45 minutes before the start of the ceremony.

After your ceremony, ensure you return your regalia to the designated staff return point.

Please note that the UQ Centre on the St Lucia campus will close following the last ceremony each day. Staff who attend the post-ceremony celebrations in their academic dress will need to return their regalia to the student return point in the Michie building.