Dates for graduation periods are usually set 1 year in advance and can be found in the Academic Calendar.

Use these dates as a guide, but remember ceremonies may not be scheduled on each day of the graduation period, and these dates are subject to change. Always consult the Academic Calendar for the most up-to-date information.

You can read more about ceremony days and times below.

Ceremony days and times

The exact date and time for each ceremony is published a few months in advance of each ceremony period. July ceremony day and times are finalised by May, and December ceremonies are finalised by October. 

It's not possible to request a specific graduation day or time or ask for information in advance.

We need to plan all details of our graduation ceremonies before they are approved by the Vice-Chancellor. We can't release any information before we have the Vice-Chancellor's approval.

Official dates and times will be published on the Graduation website as soon as they are ready.

Travel arrangements

If you have to book a flight or hotel room for graduation, make sure any arrangements are flexible. While you may prefer one ceremony date over another, we can't change our ceremony details to accommodate any travel bookings.

If you're travelling by car, remember Brisbane traffic can be unpredictable. On some days it may take 30 minutes to travel to campus, while on other days it may take more than 2 hours.