Off-campus exams
Before you apply for an off-campus exam, read the following:
- Don't make travel arrangements until the deferred/supplementary examination period is over. Off-campus exam arrangements aren't guaranteed.
- It's the expectation of the University that you're available for your exams as scheduled in your personal timetable.
- Inspera on-campus supervised examinations and practical-based examinations cannot be completed off campus.
- A limited number of domestic and international exam centres are available and changes to availability can occur at short notice.
- Deferred and supplementary exams are approved based on the mode of the originally scheduled exam, e.g. on-campus paper-based. Approved deferred/supplementary exam requests don't guarantee an off-campus exam.
- Payment to undertake an off-campus exam doesn't guarantee that arrangements can be made.
- Late supplementary exam approvals are not eligible for an off-campus exam.
- Strict deadlines apply, and late applications cannot be processed.
If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can request to sit your end-of-semester deferred and supplementary exams off-campus during specific examination periods – deadlines apply.
Important information
- You will need to be available and in one location for the duration of the entire exam period.
- You will usually be required to sit your exam according to your mode of enrolment. For example, if you are enrolled as an in-person student, you will likely need to sit a paper-based exam.
The following eligibility criteria apply based on your mode of enrolment.
In-person enrolment mode students
You can only apply to sit your end-of-semester deferred and supplementary exams off-campus.
When applying, ensure you meet the additional eligibility criteria according to your semester of study:
Semester 1 and Summer Semester | Semester 2 |
Additional criteria apply | No additional criteria |
For Semester 1 and Summer Semester, you must demonstrate that you meet one of the following conditions to be eligible for off-campus arrangements:
- You're participating in a University-sanctioned event (e.g. on placement, exchange or field trip)
- You're engaged in defence service or elite performance, or are competing as a registered UQ elite athlete
- You're not returning to study at UQ next semester because:
- You're a non-award student; or
- You're eligible to graduate once you've successfully completed your deferred or supplementary exam
If you're applying based on the above criteria, you'll need to provide supporting documentation when submitting your request. For example, an official letter from the Australian Defence Force, Head of School, or state, national or international sporting organisation.
Supporting documentation must confirm the specific event or activity you're participating in, including the dates, and be signed by an authorised officer of the relevant organisation.
Off-campus exam types and locations
Paper-based exam at an exam centre
A limited number of off-campus exam venues are available across Australia and overseas for deferred and supplementary exams. If you've applied to sit more than one exam off-campus, you must be available to sit all of your exams at the same location.
Please note that deferred/supplementary off-campus arrangements may not be possible in some locations. In these instances, you’ll need to travel to the nearest approved exam centre, or find a suitable centre and supervisor near you.
See off-campus exam centres available during the Semester 1, 2025 end-of-semester deferred and supplementary exam period.
Exam centre availability is subject to change at short notice, and listed centres may not be available for the entirety of an exam period, or all upcoming exam periods.
Non-standard centre and supervisor nominations
If you're eligible to sit a paper-based exam off-campus but there is no approved exam centre within 500km of your expected location, you may need to find a suitable centre and English-speaking supervisor to conduct your exam. The Exams Office will assess the suitability of both your nominated centre and supervisor.
Please note that your nominated centre/supervisor may need to have the following capabilities:
- Available to accommodate your exam at short notice and within the dates of the exam period
- Receive and return exam materials by secure email
- Able to print documents in colour and scan completed exam scripts
Suitable exam centres and supervisors may include
- Local universities with their own exam supervisors, tutors, faculty or academic staff members
- Community colleges or regional study and vocational training centres
- English language/educational testing services (e.g. British Council, IELTS, IDP Education)
- Government organisations (e.g. embassies) and officials, if they provide testing services
- A local community hall or place of worship, if the venue offers a private room free of noise and distractions
- Public libraries only if they have private study spaces or meeting rooms and staff who can supervise your exam
Unsuitable exam centres and supervisors may include:
- Public libraries without private study spaces
- Spaces where there may be multiple users
- Supervisors who are family, friends, or otherwise related to you or where there is potential for a conflict of interest.
It takes time to make arrangements for a non-standard centre/supervisor—don't wait until the last minute if you already know there isn't a centre at your location. You should contact potential exam centres/supervisors in advance to enquire if they can conduct your exam for you.
To nominate a new centre or supervisor, please download and complete the following forms, and attach them when you submit your off-campus exam request:
Non-Standard Exam Centre Nomination Form [Word (DOCX, 36.2 KB)] [PDF (PDF, 135.7 KB)]
Non-Standard Supervisor Declaration Form [Word (DOCX, 32.8 KB)] [PDF (PDF, 128.8 KB)]
Please contact if you have questions about nominating an exam centre and/or supervisor.
Important information
- When requesting an of-campus exam, ensure you submit your non-standard exam centre applications at the same time. The Exams unit will strive to confirm the centre and supervisor 10 days before the exam period begins. Please note that late applications or delays in responses from nominated supervisors may result in your off-campus exam not being scheduled.
Fees, refunds and cancellations
The cost for sitting an off-campus exam at an exam centre is as follows:
- $320 to sit at a domestic exam centre (within Australia)
- $500 to sit at an international exam centre (overseas)
Pay via UQ Payment within 2 calendar days from the date the off-campus application is approved. Payment does not guarantee off-campus exam arrangements. An email will be sent confirming approval and arrangements.
Refunds and cancellations
Requests to cancel an off-campus exam must be received at least 5 business days before the scheduled exam date.
We offer a 50% refund for cancellation requests received 3 business days or more before the exam date. No refunds will be offered for:
- non-attendance at the examination
- cancellation notices received less than 3 business days before the examination date.
How to apply
Due dates
We can’t accept late applications so you’ll need to check your exam timetable and due dates to ensure you submit your application on time.
For deferred examinations
Apply at the time of submitting the request for deferred examination, but no later than 5 calendar days after the date of the original examination.
For supplementary examinations
Apply at the time of submitting the request for supplementary examination but no later than 4 calendar days after the release of final grades. Late applications won't be accepted.
How to apply
Apply online
We'll send an email to your student account with the outcome of your off-campus exam application.
For help or advice, visit a Student Centre or contact the Examinations Office: (07) 3365 2488