The unit of study schedule provides a list of courses that may be offered in 2024 and includes their unit value and Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) value. 

View the 2024 unit of study schedule (PDF, 1.1 MB)

View the 2025 unit of study schedule (PDF, 1 MB)

View course information and dates

The courses listed in the unit of study schedule may be offered in one or more teaching periods. The table below shows the start date, end date and census date for the 2024 teaching periods.

Once a course is scheduled, you’ll be able to see the course offering on Programs and Courses, and the course will be available for enrolment in mySI-net.

Teaching periodStartCensus dateEnd
Research quarter 1, 20241/01/20241/02/202431/03/2024
Flexibly scheduled period2/01/20245/01/202420/01/2024
Teaching period 1, 20242/01/20249/01/202427/01/2024
Flexibly scheduled period8/01/202412/01/202427/01/2024
Flexibly scheduled period22/01/202428/01/202423/02/2024
Teaching period 2, 202429/01/20249/02/202423/03/2024
Semester 1, 202419/02/202431/03/202425/05/2024
Flexibly scheduled period26/02/20243/03/202429/03/2024
Teaching period 3, 202425/03/20245/04/202425/05/2024
Flexibly scheduled period1/04/20247/04/20243/05/2024
Research quarter 2, 20241/04/20241/05/202430/06/2024
Flexibly scheduled period6/05/202412/05/20247/06/2024
Teaching period 4, 202427/05/20243/06/202422/06/2024
Flexibly scheduled period10/06/202416/06/202412/07/2024
Teaching period 5, 202424/06/20245/07/202417/08/2024
Research quarter 3, 20241/07/20241/08/202430/09/2024
Flexibly scheduled period15/07/202421/07/202416/08/2024
Semester 2, 202422/07/202431/08/202426/10/2024
Flexibly scheduled period19/08/202425/08/202420/09/2024
Teaching period 6, 202419/08/202430/08/202419/10/2024
Flexibly scheduled period23/09/202429/09/202425/10/2024
Research quarter 4, 20241/10/20241/11/202431/12/2024
Teaching period 7, 202421/10/202428/10/202416/11/2024
Flexibly scheduled period28/10/20243/11/202429/11/2024
Teaching period 8, 202418/11/202425/11/202414/12/2024
Summer semester 2024/202525/11/202418/12/202425/01/2025

Refer to Programs and Courses for information on when courses are scheduled for 2024.

Adding a course

When you use the 'add course' button for a given teaching period in SI-net, and search for the course you want to enrol in, you'll be able to see all the relevant details for each course offering including the campus, location, instruction mode, unit value and start and end date.

Make sure you select the correct offering before you add it.

Once you have successfully added a course to your enrolment, you'll be able to view all the details outlined above as well as the census date on your Enrolment Summary page.