ProctorU exams are invigilated remotely by a real person in real-time using your webcam.

Your Electronic Course Profile and personal exam timetable will indicate if you are required to sit an exam that will be invigilated using ProctorU.

It's your responsibility to complete each of the following steps prior to your ProctorU exam. 

4. Schedule your exam

You should schedule your exams in ProctorU as soon as you receive your personal exam timetable to secure your exam session.

  1. Select your institution, term (exam period), and exam course code.
  2. Select the date and time for your exam (listed in your personal timetable) to find an available session.
  3. Select a session closest to your exam start time and click Schedule to confirm.

Once you have scheduled your exam, review the guide on how to be prepared on exam day. 

Need help?

If you experience any difficulties, contact AskUs for support.