Accessing NVivo
You can use the Software Centre (Windows) or Self Service (Mac) to install NVivo on ITS managed computers. Contact your local IT support team or submit an IT request to install NVivo on other UQ-owned computers.
The NVivo licence includes access to ongoing upgrades and technical support.
Home use
UQ students and staff can request a licence and download NVivo 14 for home use at UQ Software Licensing. For access to NVivo Release 1, please submit an IT request.
Conditions of use
NVivo can be used at UQ for:
- teaching
- research
- personal educational development
- administration and management of the business of UQ’s organisation
- development work associated with any of the above.
You can't use NVivo at UQ for:
- consultancy or services leading to commercial exploitation of the software (for monetary gain)
- work of significant benefit to the employer of students on industrial placement or part-time courses.
The NVivo licence at UQ is centrally funded and renewed annually on 19 November.