5. Late enrolment

You'll be charged a late enrolment fee if you:

  • don't complete your enrolment on time
  • don't add all your courses on time
  • don't pay your fees on time.

You must enrol in at least 1 course by the enrolment due date.

Your late fee amount depends on how late you are.

Late addition of courses

As long as you’ve enrolled in at least 1 course by the enrolment due date, you can continue adding more courses until the final date for addition of courses or alteration of enrolment.

If you want to add or substitute courses after this date, but before Census Date, you will need to apply for approval. A $50 late fee applies if your request is approved. Postgraduate coursework students are exempt from this fee in their first semester (or enrolment period). 

Apply to add a course before Census Date

Before you request late enrolment, seek support from your course coordinator. Written support from your course coordinator may speed up the processing of your request.
We'll send an email to your student account with the outcome of your late addition of courses request.

Request now

If your request is approved, you’ll be enrolled in the course and the late course addition charge will be added to your account balance.  

Requests made within 3 business days of Census Date are unlikely to allow sufficient time to be considered by the relevant individuals (course coordinator, Associate Dean (Academic) and Academic Registrar).

If Census Date passes prior to your request being processed, it will be treated as a post-Census Date request.

Enrolling after Census Date

You can't enrol or add courses after Census Date, unless there are extraordinary and exceptional circumstances. 

Commonwealth Supported students (i.e. a student eligible for HECS-HELP)

Before you request late enrolment, you must have the support of your faculty to enrol or add a course after Census Date. Written support from your course coordinator may speed up the processing of your request.

Late applications are assessed by the Academic Registrar.

We'll send an email to your student account with the outcome of your late addition of courses request. 

Full fee paying students (i.e. international students, most postgraduate coursework students)

Before you request late enrolment, you must have the support of your faculty to enrol or add a course after Census Date. Written support from your course coordinator may speed up the processing of your request.

Late applications are assessed by the Academic Registrar.

We'll send an email to your student account with the outcome of your late addition of courses request. 

Apply to enrol or add courses after Census Date

Before you request late enrolment, you must have the support of your faculty to enrol or add a course after Census Date. Written support from your course coordinator may speed up the processing of your request.

Late applications are assessed by the Academic Registrar.

We'll send an email to your student account with the outcome of your late addition of courses request. 

Request now

Late payment of fees charge

A $100 late penalty applies if your course fees are not paid by the fees due date.

If you are given permission to enrol or add courses after the fees due date, you will have 2 days to pay your fees. The $100 late penalty applies after 2 days.

To check fee due dates:

  • for standard semesters, research quarters and teaching periods, see the Academic Calendar.
  • for programs and courses with unique dates (such as medical or intensive programs), click on the 'Enrolments' tile in mySI-net.

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