Protect UQ

Discover the simple things you can do to keep UQ cyber safe.

Top 10 tips to stay cyber safe

Follow these simple tips to protect yourself online

 Use secure passwords

Learn good account security practices to help keep you and your information safe.

 Email scams

Find out what to look our for in an email scam, and how to report it.

 Physical security threats

Learn about physical cyber threats and how to avoid them.

 Using wifi safely

Find out how to connect to wifi networks safely.

 Protecting your UQ computer

Learn how to keep your computer secure from cyber threats.

 Multi-factor authentication

Find out how to add an extra layer of protection to your online accounts.

 Handling data at UQ

Learn how to safely share personally identifiable information.

 Storing your files

Learn how to securely manage your files, depending on the type of document.

 Stay cyber safe while travelling

Find out how you can stay cyber safe at every stage of travel.

 If your account or device is compromised

Find out the steps to take if your work or personal account or device has been compromised. 

 Stay cyber safe while working remotely

Learn how to work safely when away from the office.