Fee schedules help you estimate your total fees for the year, and how your fees are calculated may vary depending on your type of enrolment

To view how much you were charged in a previous year, go to the 'Financials' tile in mySI-net, then choose ‘Financial Home Page’, select the relevant semester to view your fees and charges.

Commonwealth supported exchange students

Fees are calculated per unit by subject area.

2024 fee schedule (PDF, 441.6 KB)2023 fee schedule (PDF, 396.2 KB)

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International students


For 2024 fees, view the 2024 fee schedule for full-fee paying students.


Undergraduate course fees
Students who commenced between 2016 and 2023

This schedule applies to international undergraduate students who commenced their current program between 2016 and 2023. A per unit rate is set for each program for each year of enrolment and may vary based on the year of program commencement. Refer to the schedule for the relevant enrolment year for the fee rate per unit for that year. Multiply the unit value of your selected course by the rate per unit for your commencement year to determine the fees for that course.

Students who commenced before 2016

This schedule applies to international undergraduate students who commenced their current program between 2011 and 2015. A per unit rate is set for each subject area (or course) for each year of enrolment and may vary based on program commencement year. Refer to the relevant enrolment year for the fee rate per unit for that year. Multiply the unit value of your selected course in the given subject area by the rate per unit for that subject area (or course) to determine the fee for the course.

Postgraduate coursework fees
Students who commenced between 2016 and 2023

This schedule applies to international postgraduate coursework students who commenced their current program between 2016 and 2023. A per unit rate is set for each program for each year of enrolment and may vary based on the year of program commencement. Refer to the schedule for the relevant enrolment year for the fee rate per unit for that year. Multiply the unit value of your selected course by the rate per unit for your commencement year to determine the fees for that course.

Students who commenced before 2016

This schedule applies to international postgraduate coursework students who commenced their current program between 2011 and 2015. A per unit rate is set for each subject area (or course) for each year of enrolment and may vary based on program commencement year. Refer to the relevant enrolment year for the fee rate per unit for that year. Multiply the unit value of your selected course in the given subject area by the rate per unit for that subject area (or course) to determine the fee for the course.

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Non-award and cross-institutional students

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