Gaussian is computational chemistry and electronic structure modelling software for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux and UNIX. UQ has access to the Gaussian 09 version.

Accessing Gaussian

Gaussian is installed on the UQ high performance computing platform Bunya. To ask for access:

You can also ask for source code copy to be installed on any UQ-managed Linux server. Use the Gaussian 09 usage agreement (PDF, 33.7 KB) and email it to

Home use

You can't use Gaussian at home with a UQ licence.

Conditions of use

Gaussian is available at UQ for academic and research purposes only. Check the Gaussian 09 usage agreement for user restrictions. UQ’s licence is perpetual (ongoing) and expires in 2030.

The site licence is limited to Linux source code on the cluster. You must access it from computers owned and operated by UQ on St Lucia campus.

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