1. After accepting your offer
Once you have accepted your offer, you can start making arrangements to commence your HDR program.
One of the first things you should do is email your supervisor to let them know when you plan to commence your HDR program and arrange to meet them after you arrive.
You should also contact the Graduate School 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the research quarter you are due to start to confirm the date of your arrival and arrange the formal commencement process.
Commencement can only happen after the start of the research quarter and takes a number of days to activate, so it may take a week or two after you have submitted any required information to be able to access systems.
In order for you to commence, all outstanding documents and information must have been provided.
Delayed commencement
If you find that you are unable to commence within the research quarter stated on your offer of admission, and/or offer of scholarship support, you may be able to seek approval for a delayed commencement and a deferral to your offer(s).
Scholarship and tuition fees
If you have a stipend scholarship managed by UQ, this will also be activated at commencement.
Living allowances are paid on a fortnightly basis. It can take up to 6 weeks from your commencement date for the first payment to be paid, so you should ensure that you have sufficient funding available. The scholarship will be backdated to your commencement date.
Human Resources will make contact with you in the weeks following your commencement, asking you to log into the Workday system and complete key tasks, including the provision of your Australian bank details.
Once enrolled, a system called mySI-net will automatically calculate your fees each research quarter. Log in to mySI-net with your student account and click the 'Financials' tile to view your fees.
After your scholarship is activated any outstanding balance of fees, including the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) must be paid by the fees due date. Penalties apply for unpaid tuition fees after this time. Your enrolment in a research quarter is not confirmed until all fees are paid.
Student visas
International students should apply for a student visa, if required. Read the visa information for students commencing study at UQ to find out more about this process. You can also find more information regarding Overseas Student Health Cover, which is a compulsory requirement for student visa holders.
Other services offered by UQ
UQ can arrange your airport reception and take you to your temporary accommodation if required. Please note you are responsible for the cost of temporary accommodation. Upon arrival in Brisbane, UQ can assist you in finding permanent accommodation. Please note the Graduate School does not arrange airport pick-ups or accommodation services.
Need assistance?
Get in touch with the Graduate School Team.