This information outlines immunisation and disease screening requirements and recommendations for your program or course, and how to submit evidence of immunisation. 

For your own safety and the safety of others, you’re required to demonstrate appropriate vaccination or evidence of immunity to vaccine preventable diseases as well as screening for some diseases before commencing some coursework and placements with UQ.

The Vaccination and Immunisation Procedures and Guidelines provide information about your responsibilities for immunisation and screening requirements related to programs and activities. If you fail to complete mandatory requirements, this may affect your ability to fulfil the inherent requirements of your program or course.

Finding my requirements

You can check your immunisation and screening requirements, as well as recommended vaccinations, by locating your discipline in the lists below.

If you don't have any specific requirements specified below, you can protect yourself by completing the current National Immunisation Program Schedule as recommended by the Australian Government Department of Health.

You're encouraged to keep your COVID-19 vaccinations up to date. 

Book a vaccine at our St Lucia clinicFind a vaccine closer to your location

Agricultural scienceAnimal science AudiologyClinical exercise physiology Counselling Dentistry DieteticsEducation Equine scienceExercise and sport science Food science and technology (if undertaking an abattoir placement) Health sciences Magnetic resonance technology Medicine Mental health (Art Therapy) Midwifery Nursing Occupational therapy Pharmacy Physiotherapy Psychology Public health Research (including Higher Degree by Research and Honours)Science Social work Speech pathologyUQ Skills Veterinary science Veterinary technology Wildlife science