Essential exam materials

You are required to present to your exam with the materials below. If you don't have these with you, you may be denied entry to your exam:

  • UQ student ID card (for off-campus digital exams, any valid government issued photo ID is accepted).
  • Suitable writing implements and stationery, ideally in a clear plastic pencil case.
  • Digital exam equipment (if completing a digital exam).

Permitted exam materials

The following materials can be used during your exam:

  • water in a clear plastic bottle with the label removed
  • ear plugs that are disposable
  • other approved materials as specified in your Electronic Course Profile (ECP) or exam information sheet (e.g. calculators, written or printed materials, dictionaries, pencils, pens, etc.).

The following materials can be brought into the exam room for safekeeping, but must be placed on the floor under your desk for the duration of the exam:

Bags will be left outside the exam room at your own risk. Avoid bringing valuables to an exam except the items you’re allowed to take in and put under your chair.

All material brought into the exam room will be checked by an exam supervisor to confirm that it is permitted. Non-permitted items may be confiscated and could result in a case of student misconduct.

Exam preparation help

Student Support and Wellbeing Services holds exam workshops for students who want to learn how to prepare effectively, handle stress and avoid common mistakes.