Every UQ student has an account that provides access to a range of online resources. Accounts are supplied and managed by Information Technology Services (ITS).

Student accounts are created when new students are made offers to study at UQ. Your student account includes:

  • a UQ username and password
  • unlimited monthly data
  • an official UQ email address
  • 1GB of file network storage
  • 10GB of personal cloud storage
  • wifi access on campus
  • on and off-campus access to UQ’s VPN (virtual private network).

Student usernames

Your username is based on your student number, but is different to your student number.

If your student number begins with a 4:

Your username starts with an ‘s’ followed by the first seven digits of your student number (e.g. s4123456).

Use this username to log in to mySI-net, my.UQ, Single sign-on, and campus computers.

If your student number begins with a 3:

Your username starts with an ‘s’ followed by six digits: drop the first and last digits from your student number and use the remaining digits (e.g. if your student number is 3123 4567, your student username is s123456).

Use this username to log in to mySI-net, my.UQ, Single sign-on, and campus computers.

To access your Microsoft 365 services (including email) via microsoft 365.com Sign in with this username in the format username@uq.edu.au 

Usernames for HDR students

Many HDR students have both a staff account and a student account, which have different usernames and passwords.

Make sure you log in with your student account if you want to access any student-only resources or make any enquiries about your studies or program.

Usernames for Translational Research Institute students

UQ students associated with the Translational Research Institute (TRI) are given a TRI account during the TRI induction process.

TRI usernames start with a 't', followed by the first initial of your given name and the first six letters of your last name  (e.g. tjbloggs).

Under 18 accounts

If you're under 18 years of age, you have to get your parents' consent to use an internet connection provided by UQ.

Fill out the Internet Access Permission for Under 18s form to apply for access.

Account passwords

Make sure you follow the guidelines when you choose a password for your student account.

Multiple UQ accounts

Some students may have multiple user accounts. UQ is introducing a single UQ identity to link together all the user accounts that belong to an individual.

This single UQ identity won't affect how you access any services at UQ — you'll still use your usual username and password to log in. 

File storage

You have access to your student home drive (H: drive) and personal cloud storage via OneDrive. Log in to the my.UQ dashboard and select 'myFiles' from the side menu. You can follow the instructions to map your home drive to your computer.

We're here to help

Before contacting us, try browsing or searching for common questions.

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