If you’re unhappy with an assessment mark, or final grade, there are steps you can take to address your concerns.

Re-marks for exams and assessment

Individual assessment

If you believe an exam or assessment mark for an individual assessment piece doesn’t accurately reflect your performance according to the relevant assessment criteria, you can apply for a re-mark.

For the purposes of requesting a re-mark, a group assessment will be treated as an individual assessment item if:

  • the assessment included peer assessments
  • components of the assessment were marked individually. 

Group assessment

If you completed a group assessment for which only one group mark was awarded, and believe the mark doesn't accurately reflect the group's performance, you can apply for a re-mark.

To apply for a re-mark of a group assessment, at least 50% of the group members must agree that the mark does not reflect the group's performance according to the published assessment criteria. Those group members can apply for a re-mark.

You'll need to complete the Re-mark of a group assessment — group member acknowledgement form (PDF, 275 KB) and upload it with your online request. 

Any change of grade (whether it is increased or reduced) will apply to all students in the group, even if they did not apply for the re-mark.

Requesting feedback

Wanting extra marks in order to achieve a higher course grade isn't an acceptable reason for a re-mark.

Before you apply, discuss your concerns with your course coordinator or lecturer. They can provide you with additional feedback about your original mark.

If you decide to request a re-mark after receiving additional feedback, submit an online request.

Request a re-mark

Your request must include a personal statement that outlines how your original mark doesn't reflect your performance according to the relevant assessment criteria.

Request now

For more information, read the Assessment Procedure. Your request has to be made within certain timeframes – go to Section 3 Part G of the procedure to learn more.


If you want to appeal a decision relating to an assessment or examination re-mark, you can appeal to the University Senate.

I’m graduating in a few weeks – will my re-mark request be finalised by then?
Re-marks take some time to process – it’s very unlikely that changes will be made in time for you to graduate. Once the re-mark has been finalised, and assuming you’re eligible to graduate, you can attend the next suitable graduation ceremony. If appropriate, you can request a completion statement, which you can show to potential employers.

Final grades


After the release of final grades, if you think there has been an administrative mistake (such as a mathematical error, or data-entry error), contact your school.

Correcting an administrative mistake is not the same as a re-mark.

Exceptional circumstances

If you can show evidence of exceptional circumstances beyond your control and if you meet all the eligibility requirements outlined in section 3.7 of the Assessment Policy, you can apply to have your final grade changed to ‘W’ – withdrawal without academic penalty.

Changes are only approved in very limited circumstances, and within the specified timeframes.

Most students who apply have either failed to complete a course, or have received a failing grade for a course.

More information about applying to withdraw without academic penalty is available on the Withdrawing from a Course or Program page.

I failed a course by a small amount, but I don’t satisfy the “exceptional circumstances” requirement. Is there anything I can do?
You may be eligible for a supplementary assessment.