The examination process begins when you upload your thesis submission through your UQRDM thesis dashboard. The entire process, from thesis submission to examination outcome usually take 3-6 months. 

As your thesis progresses through each step of the examination process, your UQRDM status will update. If, at any point in the process, your UQRDM status seems to have stalled, please email the Graduate School thesis team, and we will give you an update. 

We have provided an outline of what each UQRDM status means, in the flowchart below, and how long each step should take:

Approving your thesis submission

Takes 1-2 weeks but may take longer if changes are requested.
Please remember that your principal advisor must approve each version you upload. 
Your UQRDM status will change to "Graduate School is reviewing thesis" after your Principal Advisor has approved your thesis submission.

Securing your examiners 

Should take 2-4 weeks - please review our thesis FAQs for advice on preventing delays. 
Your UQRDM status will change to "Graduate School is assigning Examiners" after the Graduate School approved your thesis submission

Examining your thesis

Takes at least 5-6 weeks for examiners to submit their reports once they receive your thesis.
Oral exams take place 2-4 weeks after you receive these examiner reports. 
Your UQRDM status will change to "Examiners are reviewing thesis" after both examiners have been secured and received your thesis for review.

Determining your outcome

Takes 1-2 weeks for the Dean to decide your official outcome after we receive your Chair's recommendation.
Your UQRDM status will change to one of the following, depending on your final examination outcome after your oral: "Candidate is submitting final thesis" or "Candidate submitting requested changes" or "Candidate revising or resubmitting"

Approving your final submission

Takes place after you have completed any corrections required as part of your outcome. 
Your UQRDM status will change to Graduate School is reviewing final thesis" after you upload your thesis if your outcome is "no changes".
Your UQRDM status will change to "Graduate School is reviewing changes" after you upload your revised thesis and corrections if your outcome is "changes" Once we review your revised thesis and corrections upload, your UQRDM status will change to "Chair reviewing changes"

Conferring your degree

Takes place after the Dean endorses your Chair's recommendation to confer. 
Please review our thesis FAQs to ensure you complete all pre-conferral steps to prevent delaying your graduation.
Your UQRDM status will change to "Graduate School is reviewing final thesis" and then "awaiting conferral" after your pre-liminary pages have been checked.