Neurodivergent Hub

If you identify as a neurodivergent student, there are several support and services available to assist you. The following programs are targeted towards support for undergraduate student. You do not need to provide documentation to access these programs.

For support with discussing tailored academic adjustments, book an appointment with one of the Student Advice Team (SAT) or phone (07) 3365 1704. Please note, for individual academic adjustments, supporting documentation is required. For more information see Documents for your Appointment.

Semester 2

Neurodivergent MentoringWeek 1-6
Neurodivergent Meet-upWeek 1-6
ADHD Group CoachingWeek 1-13
Neurodivergent Check-inWeek 2

Note: Programs don't run on semester breaks/public holidays. Locations and times will be provided after registration to ensure numbers don't exceed room capacity.

Run in collaboration with the Disability Collective, come and meet other neurodivergent students, learn how to identify challenges earlier in the semester and develop strategies to progress through the semester.

This one hour session runs towards the end of week 2 of the semester. It provides an opportunity for neurodivergent students to connect and share their experiences.
Have the opportunity for more tailored support and explore strategies through one-on-one support for the first 6 weeks of the semester.

This program provides undergraduate neurodivergent students to be connected with a mentor, who will provide support to develop confidence starting the semester. Students will meet with the mentor once a week for one hour to work on their goal/s.
Students will receive group coaching to develop connections and learn study strategies.

This program will run for the whole semester and is facilitated by staff from Student Services. Students will work in groups to share strategies that have previously worked, and set goals based on their study needs. You may attend as many sessions as you wish.
Learn new skills and meet other neurodivergent students to share your experiences. These social sessions are run over the first 6 weeks of the semester. Exchange knowledge on navigating university and life in a safe space while doing crafts, using fidget toys, and more.

Topics covered includes making friends at university, disclosure for work and study, and navigating respectful relationships.
The Tertiary Transition Toolbox (TTT) is a face-to-face program comprised of 2 half-day sessions, run over 2 consecutive days: 8 and 9 February, from 9am – 12pm. The program is recommended for all postgraduate and undergraduate students in any faculty who identify as neurodiverse.

To find out more about Neurodivergent Hub, please email