Course level

Postgraduate Coursework


Business, Economics & Law


Economics School




One Semester

Delivery mode


Class hours

P ~ 640 hours (4 months full-time placement, 8 hours per day)


Any four of the compulsory courses in the degree program.


To be eligible, students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MAppEmet, MEcon(#24), MEcon(#32), MBusEcon(#24), MBusEcon(#32), MDevEcon(#24), MDevEcon(#32), MEconPP(#24), MEconPP(#32), MHEcon(#24), MHEcon(#32), MIntEcon&F(#24), MIntEcon&F(#32).

Course enquiries

Course description

This course consists of an internship at an Australian or international organisation, eg. the Productivity Commission or the United Nations International Labour Organisation. Students undertake economic and business project-based work at the host organisation. Depending on the requirements of the host organisation, students undertake a range of activities including: desk and field based research, economic and business impact assessments, reviewing, upgrading and developing new knowledge products (eg. publications, training materials), undertaking and delivering business and economics training. Students undertake a period of preparation prior to their departure, including communication with their external supervisor. Whilst on assignment, students are supervised by a senior officer from the host organisations; secondary supervision is provided by the UQ supervisor. Upon their return, students undertake a debrief, including communication with the UQ supervisor. Student selection is undertaken by the course coordinator and UQ supervisor, and is based on student's academic performance and the outcome of interviews with the course coordinator, UQ supervisor and the host organisation. The number of internships available is limited. Students must obtain a minimum GPA of 6.0 in those compulsory courses in the degree program that have been completed, and must pass the interview process.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 1, 2015 (02/03/2015 - 27/06/2015) Remote Internal Course Profile