Course level



Business, Economics & Law


Economics School




One Semester

Delivery mode


Class hours





ECON1050 or MATH1051 or MATH1071

Course enquiries

Current course offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024) St Lucia In Person Course Profile

Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.

Course description

This course begins extending elementary calculus concepts from ECON1050 to the analysis of functions of several variables. Then it covers convex multivariate optimisation. This is followed by further analysis on constrained optimisation. Finally, it provides essential elements of dynamic optimisation in discrete time. Applications include consumer problems, cost minimisation, and dynamic programming for dynamic economies.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 2, 2023 (24/07/2023 - 18/11/2023) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2023 (24/07/2023 - 18/11/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 2, 2022 (25/07/2022 - 19/11/2022) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2022 (25/07/2022 - 19/11/2022) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2021 (26/07/2021 - 20/11/2021) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2021 (26/07/2021 - 20/11/2021) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) St Lucia Flexible Delivery Course Profile
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2019 (22/07/2019 - 16/11/2019) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2018 (23/07/2018 - 17/11/2018) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2017 (24/07/2017 - 18/11/2017) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2016 (25/07/2016 - 19/11/2016) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2015 (27/07/2015 - 21/11/2015) St Lucia Internal Course Profile